Chapter 75

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Tobias POV

A simulation. It was all a simulation.

My eyes had popped open, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were bright red and puffy. The click of heels return, but now they seem louder due to my pounding headache. Jeanine comes back into my view, "Very good Mr. Eaton. Now I'd like to ask you something." She says and I scoff.

"You want to ask me something??" I question.

"Yes, and I will." She say then clears her throat.

"What would you say if we showed that footage from the simulation to Tris, after tweaking bits of it of course. But showed it to her, then killed you." She says with her evil smirk.

"You monster." I spit at her. "I'm a monster?? What about you? You did in fact beat your fiancé up, am I correct?" She asks and walks to my other side.

"You. That was you." "No Mr. Eaton, that was you." She says simply not even looking at me, just at her device.

"What do you want with Tris and I?" I ask.

"Well, I want to see her in action, simulation wise of course. Then I want to test you both, together. I just want to see Divergent minds in action, and together." She explains.

Her plan sounds like she wants to just finish what she was doing last time, "And then of course we'd have to kill you." She says with a small chuckle.

"Nothing to say??" She asks thinking she's won. "Come here." I say and lower my voice.

She walks over and leans down to hear me, I take that chance to spit. And it land right on her face. She wipes it off and walks out of the doors, leaving me in the blinding light. "That was not wise Mr. Eaton." Jeanine's voice fills the intercom.

I roll my eyes. "Take him back to his cell." Her voice says and the guards from this morning appear. They grab my arms and drag me with them, I'm still limp from the simulation. We walk but stop, a shorter walk than this morning. One leaves to unlock to the door but comes back to pull me inside.

"What the hells this place?" I ask looking at a small cement cell. "Your cell." One says, his voice low and grumbly.

"No its not. I'm in the same one as Tris." I tell the guard who at the moment is putting a straight jacket on me, I'm too confused at the moment to resist it.

"Not any more, or at least not now. Jeanine's orders." They say and leave. They leave me in the dark, in a small tight place. With musty air, and dripping walls. And I'm tied up in a straight jacket, not able to move anything but my legs.

I don't know how much time has passed, there's no clock and I'm sure if there was they'd remove it. But the walls begin to cave in, move closer towards me.

I'm hunkered in the corner, trying to shield all this from me. But I fail. It's like some real life fear simulation, one where my claustrophobia will eat me alive.

Tris POV
Guards picked me up and delivered me to what I assume to be a testing room. I'm strapped down and haven't yet had a visit from Jeanine.. But I know it'll happen. And soon. I haven't seen Tobias either, and I'm nervous about his well being. I pray to God that he's not being tortured...Or worse.

"Afternoon Ms. Prior." Says the voice that the could surely be the devils.

"Jeanine." I say bluntly.

"Where is he?" I ask her. "Who dear?" Jeanine asks, and I scoff at this game she insists on playing.

"You know who." "Oh, well I'm afraid I can't share the information with you, not yet anyway." She says and it's obvious she's hiding her smile.

She motions for a guard to come over to me and she leave, the metal doors closing. But I can see her on the other side of the glass in front of me. The man walks over and I don't have much time before I feel a prick and my eyes close.

They open again and the metal doors open, letting me walk in. But when I do, I see something I've never wanted to see. Tobias, lying on a table.. Near death. I walk over fast, and look at his sunken face. He's gone pale, and his breathing isn't the way it normally is- or should be.

"Tris." He mumbles, and I can tell that it's hard for him to speak.

"I'm here. It's me, I'm right here." I tell him, brushing his cheek with my hand.

He moves his to my cheek, the warmth normally in his touch gone.

I want to tell him not to leave, beg him not to go. But I can't.. I know what it's like to be so close to death. Wanting the pain to be over, not able to fight it.

"If.." I start as tears come to my eyes and affect my ability to talk. "If you're in pain, it's okay. It's okay to go." I tell him, and the words I never thought I'd ever say to him.

"You can go."

His eyes drift off, but there still a small bit of life in him. But then I see her. "But you're in pain my dear, Let go of the pain. For me." It's Evelyn, her brown hair matching Tobias's and her nose showing where he get's his own.

It's just like when my mother showed, to ease the pain of death. Of leaving the people you love, the people you need. Evelyn is softening it for him, helping him through this.

I should be in tears right now, sobbing at the foot of the table he lays on. But I'm not. Instead of feeling the grief I should be feeling, I feel gratefulness. Not because he's going- I'm still very much destroyed by this. And once he leaves I know it'll hit me more.

But I'm grateful for the fact that Evelyn is here for him, letting Tobias reunite with his mother in the best way possible. Having Tobias be able to understand that she does love him, and when it really comes down to it.. She'll be there.

I kiss his cold, white forehead and watch as he leaves. Leaves this world, his life at dauntless... And worst of all, leaving me.

My eyes pop open and tears left streaks on my face, and I can still feel them burning my eyes. I hear Jeanine yelling from the other side of the glass, about what.. I don't know.

The metal doors open and she stomps in, her heels hitting the floor with power. "How did it not work. You should be destroyed right now." She grunts.

A smirk makes it's way to my face. "I know what it's like to leave, and have your mother there when you do go Jeanine." I tell her and she pinches the bridge of her nose.

And she walks out without another word, leaving me feeling like I won this round.

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