Chapter 88

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Tris POV
It's coming to my final month in my pregnancy, and as much as I love having her with me at all times... I want her out! I can hardly move, if I do Tobias has to help dress me below the waist. Yeah, wasn't as thrilled as he was about that.

Tobias is bouncing off the walls with excitement. Getting everything ready, making sure we have everything we need. We barely have room for all the diapers he's bought, I don't even think she'll poop that much!

I'm letting Tobias choose her name. I had two requests which were that her name be something unique and not a classic- well known name. Something special. He agreed and was still so happy that I'm letting him pick the name.

I want him to choose because this little girl... even though she isn't here yet, Has brightened his life. And getting to see that, brings me my own joy.

"Hey Babe." Tobias says entering the room. I'm on the couch reading and he just came home from work.

"Hi. How was work?" I ask placing my bookmark into the spine of my book, marking my place.

"Long. Boring. Zeke kept gabbing me with a pencil, so it was a great day." He says and I laugh. He bends down to give me a kiss, knowing it would take forever for me to get up.

"I'm going to change and then we can make dinner." He says and walks into the bedroom. We've been cooking dinner together a lot, even though we did a lot before too. But now it takes me twice as long to do things so we cook most meals together.

I start to get up- slowly, as I stand I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. I cry in pain and I fall because of the pain.

I hear Tobias's footsteps and soon he's crouched in front of me. "Tris! What happened??" He asks.

"Pain. Baby." I breathe out.

"Did your water break?"

"No." I say and another sharp pain hits, making me fall into his arms.

"I'm taking you to the hospital, come on." Tobias says lifting me back onto my feet and goes off, probably to grab more clothing, shoes and the baby bag.

He comes back with a sweatshirt thrown on, shoes for both of us and the baby bag. He grabs hold of me, having to basically carry me along with the other things.

"Hey guys! Woah, what's wrong?" Uriah asks walking up to us in the hallway.

"Tris is getting bad pains." Tobias tells him as we continue to walk, Uriah walking with us now.

"Can I help?" He asks. "Here, carry this." Tobias says tossing him the baby bag.

I'd laugh but I can't with the pain I'm in.

We finally get to the hospital, and Uriah hasn't left us. And for a reason I've yet to know, I'm grateful.

"We need a doctor." Tobias says going up to the front desk. Uriah stays with me, as I'm crippling in pain.

"Because she's going into labor!" I hear him yell, but my minds too foggy to really focus on anything.

"Here hun. Sit in this." A nurse says wheeling a wheel chair up to me. I take a seat and get wheeled to a room.

"I'll be outside, call me if you need me." Uriah says and squeezes my hand. I smile a little and Tobias thanks him.

"Breathe honey, just breathe." Tobias whispers in my ear, and I can hear nerves in his voice.

"Hello Mrs. Eaton." The doctor says walking in and my mind drifts to the fact that Tobias and I haven't gotten married yet.

"I'm going to run a few tests alright, nothing to worry about." He says and I don't even need drugs, I'm already so out of it.

"We need to preform an emergency C-section." The doctor says and I notice he's wearing black scrubs. I don't know if he was wearing them before of not.

"What? Why?" Tobias asks.

"For one, the baby needs out but she's not even close yet. Second, and most of all the umbilical cord is beginning to wrap around her neck." He says and the nurses start wheeling my bed down a long hallway.

"To-Four." I say as best as I can.

"He can come dear, just needs to change." A nurse to my left says.

We get in a room and they start poking things into my arms, and something into my back. There are so many people and appliances in here it's making my head hurt worse.

"Tris, You're okay." I hear his voice and look to my left. Tobias is crouching beside my head so I can see him.  He's wearing back scrubs just like the doctor now.

A curtain gets pulled across my chest preventing me from seeing anything down lower, I'm numb everywhere too.

"She'll be here soon." Tobias whispers and now I take the time to look at him. Seeing panic, worry but excitement on his face as well.

His hair's messed up but still somehow perfect, he's sweating but I'm used to seeing him sweat.

There's clinking of metal and doctors talking back and forth. Although most of it is like some kind of fog, all melting together.

I soon hear a noise though, that I haven't heard yet. A cry.

"She's here." Tobias whispers and I catch a glimpse of a tear rolling down his cheek. I can barely see them lift a small red, white, crying figure in the air for me to see quickly.

Tobias moves forward probably to cut the umbilical cord, unfortunately I'm so out of it-it all feels like a dream. But I know that it's not.

"Hey mommy." I hear Tobias whisper, kissing my forehead.

I'm back in a normal room and Tobias is sitting in a chair next to me, back in regular clothes.

"Where is she?" I ask. He gets up and walks over to the corner, picking up and carrying over and pink bundle.

He places her in my arms, the small fragile body of my baby girl. She wears a small black hat but I can already see that her hair looks just like Tobias's- a dark brown.

Her nose is hooked just like his, and her ears are his too. "She has your smile." Tobias tells me.

"How do you know that?" I ask. "I just know, and her lips are yours." He says and I smile.

She begins to squirm in my arms and her little eyes open, revealing the eyes I feel in love with. She has Tobias's dark blue eyes. The ones that shimmer yet hold so much mystery. That are so mesmerizing. It was the one trait I prayed she'd get.

"She has your eyes." I say and tears fill mine. "Yeah.."

"What's her name? Did you decide?"

"I did actually." Tobias says.

"And...??" I ask waiting to know my beautiful girl's name.

And on June 4th, at 10:40pm, Miracle Lucas Eaton was born. Our little bundle of joy, our beautiful baby girl, our miracle entered our lives.

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