Chapter 72

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Unknown POV
I slam my fist onto the desk, making papers fall and making him jump at my outburst. "What do you mean it didn't work??" I demand. "He is somehow no longer hooked up to it." He explains, his arms struggling to hold all the papers and folders he has.

I sigh, "What is her status?" I ask. "Alive, I believe." He mumbles, not looking directly at me. "Believe?? Find out for sure!" I say to him, raising my voice more.

"We'll have to go through with plan B." I tell him. "Are you sure that it's fully operational??" He questions. "It'll have to be." I tell him. "Bring them in. And I want the lab up and running tomorrow." I tell him, and with out another word I leave.
Tobias POV
The next morning I wake before Tris but don't get up quite yet. We're still bare from last night but we're used to seeing each other like this now. I lay there, still. With my head on the pillow, my back to the mattress, staring up at the ceiling.

My head is clouded with thoughts of what happened yesterday, how I hurt Tris. She claims it wasn't me and that it wasn't my fault. Maybe it wasn't but I still hurt her.

I had promised to Tris that I'd protect her, never leave her and always keep her safe. I didn't keep my promise. I didn't keep her safe, I didn't protect her- I did the exact opposite. I was the one that hurt her, and all I can see is him.. How I'm just like him.

"You're not." I hear a mumbled voice. It was as if Tris was reading my thoughts.

Her eyes open slowly, revealing the eyes I love to look to each morning.

"You are not like him. I don't care what you say or whatever reason you have." She tells me.

"I know it's just... Look at you. I beat you up, no one should do that to someone they love." I tell Tris.

"You didn't have any control over it." She says. "So stop being so burdened by this." Tris adds.

I nod sitting up, she sits up with me. We lean against the headboard, the white sheets draped over our bodies.

"How did I not notice this last night?" I ask, not sure if I'm talking directly to her or just out loud. I'm looking at a huge purple- almost black bruise on her ribs. I brush my fingers over it, making her flinch. "Sorry." I mumble.

"Stop saying sorry." She says sternly. "We better get up and get ready. We have to pick Luca up." She says and gets up. The sheets falling from her body, pooling at her feet. I watch her walk into the bathroom and later hear the water start.

I get up and slip a new pair of boxers on and walk out of the room. I go over to the phone and dial the number.

"Hello?" His weak voice comes through.

"Hi Caleb, it's Four." I say.

I hear him clear his voice, "How are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine. I actually wanted to talk to you about something." I say.

"Oh, umm sure." He stutters. "You okay?" I ask him. "Me? Yeah I'm fine." He rushes.

"Is it Tris?" He asks. "No, she's fine." I tell him and an odd peculiar silence fills the room.

"Okay." He says. "I was wondering if you had brought anyone back recently? With the resurgence serum." I ask Caleb.

It takes him a minute to answer, and when he does I know something is up. "No. I haven't, the last would've been Lynn I believe." He tells me, his voice seems shaky.

"Oh alright, thank you." I say and hang up. Now my guard is up for sure.

"Who was that?" I hear Tris say and turn to see Tris standing in the door way, a black towel wrapped around her beautiful body. "Zeke." I lie, I don't want to worry her until I know what's really going on.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her, seeing all the bruises clearer now. "Tobias, I'm fine. I've had sore spots and bruises before." She says laughing. "I know, I just don't want you in pain. Especially if I caused it." I admit to her.

Tris walks towards me. "I'm perfectly fine. And I've been through worse pain." She says and I know that she means all the times she's gotten shot. "I know you have, but it doesn't change my hatred for seeing you in pain." I tell her and she stands on her tippy toes to give me a small peck on the lips.

"I love you, don't forget that." I tell her. "I know you do." She says disappearing into the bedroom.

(A/N: sort of short chapter.. Sorry. The next few will hopefully be longer and more dramatic/intense. Thanks to all my readers and voters!)

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