Chapter 76

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Tobias's POV
"Hey number boy!" I'm woken by a low grumbly voice belonging to one of the guards. "You got a visitor." He says and I sigh, sure that it'll be Jeanine or one of her scientists. But when the guard leaves and the woman walks in I'm relieved and almost brought to tears.

"Tris." I whisper.

"Oh Tobias!" She says and runs to my side.

The clank of the closing cell door makes her jump and turn around, but then back again to me. "Are you alright? Are you hurt??" I ask. She laughs softly, looking at me with the eyes that I feel in love with the first time I saw her.

"I'm fine. Really I am. She put me through a simulation, but I don't think it worked like she wanted it to." She tells me and I'm happy.

"I've been nauseous but that's probably the fear." She adds, and that makes sense. I felt that way earlier.

"Come here." I motion her closer to me, with my head since I'm still in a straight jacket. She walks over and sits on my lap, making me more grateful that she's okay. And I finally kiss her.

The feel of her lips on mine, the feeling I've been missing all day and what I've needed. She pulls back, but not far. "Are we ever going to get out?" She whispers.

I want to tell her some excuse for why we will, make some promise that I can't keep. Give her false hope. "I think we will, because we're not two to give up are we?" I ask, and I'm not lying by any of it. I didn't tell her directly that we'd escape but I didn't say we'd be stuck her either.

"No we're not." She says and a moment later she says something that totally slipped my mind. "What about Luca?" I hadn't thought about him, just about Tris. I close my eyes, I can't lie to her on this one.

"I don't know." I answer. And it breaks both of us. I really don't know though, I don't even know where he is right now.

"Get up!" A guard barks, breaking me from my thoughts. Tris stands and so do I. Two guards grab both of us, and haul us out of the cell. We walk down to the same lab we've been in too much- even if it's only been once.

"Mr. Eaton! Ms. Prior!" Jeanine announces and she walks in with us. They tie us back onto the chairs and Jeanine now stands in front of us.

"It's actually going to be Mr. and Mrs. Eaton." I say to her, adding a coldness to my voice but it's hard when it's such a happy thought.

She looks at us at first then starts to laugh. "That's a lovely idea isn't it." She says. "But I can guarantee you, it won't happen." She remarks, and Tris mumbles something. I can't hear her but I'm surprised that Jeanine can.

"Curse all you want Beatrice, can't save you now can it??" And with that she walks away, probably to set up the next sim.

"We'll be okay." I say and Tris turns her head to look at me. Then she holds her hand out, and I grasp it almost instantly. Then a man I never knew to have such nerve, comes in and is ready to inject us. Caleb.

He eyes Tris, and she sends him death glares. "I fucking died for you." She spits and Caleb looks down, swallows then speaks.

"Yes you did, but that was your choice." He says to her and injects her with a whitish serum. One I've seen before.

Caleb walks over to me and looks me in the eyes, I'm shocked he can even do that. "You know something?" I ask him.

"I know a lot. What you're thinking, well that's a long shot." He comments and I can hear Jeanine's snicker from the other side of the glass. Being here must've taught him how to become a jerk, because before he was just a wimp. He still is, but now he has rude comments to back him up.

"I don't think that Tris miscarried, I think you killed the baby yourself." As the words come from my mouth, Tris gasps. And I'm not sure if it's at me or Caleb. Caleb smirks.

"Oh no. That was all true and real." He says and I clench my jaw. He injects me and I squeeze Tris's hand. Then my eyes close.

"Where are we?" I hear Tris say but I can't see her. All I see is black, when I reach out I hit cold metal. Claustrophobia.

"Tris. What do your surroundings look like?" I ask her, yelling to make sure she hears me.

"A field." She replies. And I get it. Jeanine separated us, and put us into a place where our fears live. But I'm still suspicious about the serum injected into us, it was Truth serum-not fear.

"Where are you?" Tris asks. " A box." I tell her. "Why would she separate us?" She asks, and I'm thinking the same thing.

"You'll find out soon enough." Her booming voice echoes above me. Jeanine's voice.

"First I have some questions for the two of you." She says and I think I know where this is headed and if I'm right.. It's going to be a disaster. "Mr. Eaton, you first." Jeanine says and I gulp.

"So Luca Eaton, he's your younger brother." She questions, all is black which just enhances her evil voice.

I close my eyes, trying to fight it. But I can't. "Yes." "He's five correct?" "Yes." I answer again.

"And he previously lived with Evelyn Johnson, your mother, in factionless. Correct?" Jeanine asks, and the mention of my mother makes me shake.

"Yes." I mumble. "So you could say that she loved him more. Since she didn't abandon him." Jeanine pushes.

"No. You can not say that." "Well she left you when you were six, something like that. Leaving you with your father- who wasn't a real father figure." She says and I look away, although there was nothing to see.

"Yes." I say. "So she left you with an abuser, and kept and cared for your brother instead." She says. "I'd say you can say that she loved him more." And you can tell she smirking, even in the pitch blackness.

"I didn't know about Luca, and she... She.." I can't find the words. She did abandon me, left me with an abuser.

"How could you take the child that your mother loved more, into your own family. How were you able to live like that?" She asks, and it's my souls turn to answer now.

I swallow, "Tris wanted to take him in. I didn't, not until I spoke to my mother alone again." I explain. "She wanted us to watch over him, give him a life." I say, and the memory of that night is still fresh in my mind.

"And she died." Jeanine says, her voice cold. "Yes she did, I was there when it happened." I tell her, gritting my teeth. "Are you sure, since she lied to you last time?" She asks. "Yes." I yell.

"Alright, enough about her. What about Tris? What are things about her that make you just want to leave her.. make you mad?" She asks, I don't know how this is helpful to her. But I can't fight the serum, and I know that there will be backlash from Tris after this.

"She's stubborn. She tries to do things by herself, claiming she doesn't need the help." I tell Jeanine.

"Sometimes she's too selfless, for me anyway." I say.

"But you stay with her? Why?" She asks. "Because I love her, and she makes me better."

"That's sometimes hard to believe Mr. Eaton, you still hold secrets that your 'love' doesn't know about." Jeanine says and I start sweating, knowing that Tris is hearing all of this.

"The baby, how much did it really mean to you?" Jeanine asks, changing topic.

"Everything. It was something of our very own, something that was no doubt ours." I explain.

"Now onto your divergence. Do you like having it?" It's a trick question, I know it.

I sigh, knowing the truth will come out one way or another. "Not all the time, no. But other times yes. It's dangerous, and sometimes to difficult." I say.

"Thank you." She says. "Ms. Prior you're next." Jeanine says and I pray for Tris.

May her be able to fight it, may her be able to lie. Because god knows Jeanine will press harder on her than she did to me.

(A/N: Hi everyone, I wasn't super proud of this chapter... Sorry if it sucks.)

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