Chapter 61

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Tobias POV
I had to get a car to take us to the hospital because tris is not in the condition to jump on and off a moving train. She's sleeping beside me in the back seat, she finally took a break from throwing up. She's still burning and sweating, but shivering and shaking. I place her head in my lap and run my fingers through her golden hair. I hold back tears that are threatening to spill out, I hate seeing tris in any form of pain, and this is hitting me hard.

We finally get there and I carry her in bridal style. I've only met Caleb once or twice, and that was awhile ago, so I'm not sure what he looks like for me to be finding him. I decide to just take a seat in the waiting room, figuring he'll find us sooner or later. I got Christina to pick luca up and have a sleepover at her place.

A little girl, six at least walk over and takes a seat next to me. Normally a little child would be intimidated by me, and my appearance, But she's not. She has green eyes, her light brown hair in a braid to the side. She wears little black leggings, black sparkly flats and a red tank top. She turns to me, we don't speak just look at each other.

"I like your eyes." She finally speaks and her voice is soft, gentle. "Thank you." I say trying to add a smile to the end. Tris says I need to try to do that more so I don't seem so cold.

"I'm Mason." She says. "I'm four." I say introducing myself. She doesn't comment on my name though, she doesn't even giggle. "Are you here because of her?" She asks pointing to tris. I nod, "She's sick." I tell her.

"Why are you here?" I ask her kindly. "My mom." Mason says and starts fiddling with her fingers. "She's sick too, but like really sick." She adds. "I have to live with my aunt she says." Mason tells me and I understand. But when I understand, my heart is stabbed with pain.

"My mother is... well was like your mom." I tell her, and she turn back to face me. "What happened to your daddy? Where is he?" I ask. "He died, when I was little." She says. "Someone said that he was killed." She says and I feel something for this girl, this girl I only just met and hardly know. But she's sharing things with me, things you normally wouldn't with a stranger. But she is dauntless and she's brave... you can tell.

"Four?" I hear a voice so I turn around. I spot a scrawny, wimpy looking boy.. Caleb. He motions me to a room and I stand up but bend down in front of mason. I look into her piercing dark green eyes and at her simple delicate face. "Mason, can you do something for me?" I ask her and she nods. "Be brave." I tell her.

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