Chapter 83

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Tris POV
It's moved into October and I'm about a month and a half pregnant. So far this time around is pretty bad, I'm throwing up like crazy in the mornings and my mood swings are out of control.

Last week I kicked Tobias out of the house, making him sleep at Zeke's because he commented on how beautiful I looked. I know it sounds insane and it was, but I took his comment as an insult. But the next morning, I had forgotten all about it so Tobias decided to go along with it.

I turn over to face Tobias, who is sleeping on his stomach, his eyes shut tight. I look at his peaceful sleeping, he's always looked younger asleep. Happier, kinder, softer.

I trace the faction symbols painted on his back with my finger, the dauntless flames and abnegation hand. Candor to Erudite and lastly the tree of Amity, lower on him than the rest.

His eyes open, letting his bright blue eyes I love, be seen. "This is a nice wake up call." He says and I smile. I didn't know he was partially awake when I was touching his back.

"Happy Birthday Love." I whisper and he laughs.

"That's right. Twenty one huh." He says and I place a kiss on his cheek.

"Yep, and the day's yours." I tell him. "Well, I don't really want anything or want to celebrate it." Tobias says. "Come on, nothing?" I push.

"Nope, just a day off with you." He says. Tobias has gone back to work and has been working long hard hours.

"Alright. But why don't you want to celebrate??" I ask and he sits up, as do I. I lean into his side, taking in the warmth his body gives off.

"My birthday's never been that special, and it was never a good day as a child." Tobias says and I look up at him. Not with pity but with admiration. To see how strong he's become, and all that he's had to overcome.

"Well this birthday will be a good one. I guarantee it." I say and I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"Well we can start with you joining me for a shower." He says and I laugh. "Well, it's something you want, so why not!" I say and continue to laugh, getting up.

"Higher. " I tell zeke, who at the moment is hanging the streamers on a unbalanced chair. He's already fallen twice.

"To the left a bit." I say. "That's too far, back a bit." "Now a bit more to the left." I say.

"There! Perfect." I say and hear him mutter 'Thank God' under his breath as I turn around.

"Tris!" I hear Uriah shout so I walk over to him. Him and Marlene are blowing up balloons.

"We're done." He says showing me the pool of black and grey balloons around them.

"Great!" I say.

We're setting up a small party for Tobias. I know that he didn't want to celebrate but I want him to have this- he deserves it.

I sent him out to the store to get a few things for me and I threw something on the list that I knew would get him out of the house-- Condoms.

"He's going to be back any minute. Turn the lights off." I say and we all hide as zeke shuts the lights off. We wait a few minutes in silence and the dark till we hear the jingle of our door opening.

"Tris!" He calls and flicks the lights on. "SURPRISE!!" We all shout and he stands there stunned. I run over and hug him, his arms slowly wrapping around me too.

"What is this?" He asks looking around at all our decorations. "It's your birthday party." I say.

"Tris you didn't-" "Stop. I did have to. You deserve this, and everyone wanted to be here for you, so just enjoy yourself please." I say and he kisses me. "Well thank you. Thank you guys." He says to me and everyone else.

"Let's party!!" Zeke shouts and the next thing we know, music is blaring throughout our apartment.

Tobias goes to set the bags down on the kitchen counter and I open him a beer. "Here." I say handing it to him.

"I don't think I should drink." "Drink it." I say shoving it at his chest. He laughs and wraps an arm around my waist.

"How's the baby doing?" He asks. I look up at him, "Just fine." I say smiling. We're both anxious to find out what gender it is. We hate having to call it an 'it.'

"You really didn't have to." He mumbles, his chin balanced on my head. I turn around to look at him. "I know, but Tobias you deserve this. Really you do." I say and he leans in. Kissing me softly, not giving me nearly enough.

"Four!" I hear Uriah shout from somewhere and Tobias pulls back. "You're wanted." I laugh.

"Yeah, we're finishing this later." He says and walks off.

"Just blow the damn candle out man." Zeke yells impatiently. We already sang to him, now we're waiting for him to blow the candle out.

"But I don't have any wishes." He claims. "None?" Marlene asks, "I'd have a million." She adds eyeing Uriah.

"What the hells that supposed to mean?" He asks.

We laugh and Tobias finally blows it out. "What'd you wish for?" I whisper.

"If I told, then it won't come true." Tobias tells me. I pout and he laughs, kissing my nose.

We all eat a piece of cake, the boys having more than one. Then Tobias open presents. They all finally leave and it's eleven at night.

"Thank you." Tobias whispers in my ear, walking up behind me. I rest my head on his chest, and smile. "You're welcome." I say.

There's a comfortable silence till I feel soft kisses being placed on my neck, soon enough letting a moan escape my mouth.

"I like that I can still make you moan Ms. Prior." Tobias whispers, and his breath sends chills over me.

Hearing him call me that, reminds me that we still need to plan this wedding. We had forgotten about it with all that's been happening, but I want to be Mrs. Eaton... And soon.

I turn to face him. "When are we getting married?" I ask placing a hand on his chest.

"Soon." He says and I look up into his eyes. They still captivate me whenever I look into them, making me fall even more for him.

"Good." I say and he leans in.

Our lips work in sync, the passion flowing from them. The love pouring from our hearts and into each other. "Happy Birthday Number boy." I whisper pulling back just a smidge.

He leans in again, whispering 'I love you' softly against my lips.

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