Chapter 65

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Tobias POV
Today, Tris gets to leave the hospital and return home. That means it's going to be rough. Luca is staying with Christina for just one more day, even though she thinks he's such a sweetheart. Today I'm trying to keep Tris distracted so she won't think of everything, and so her sadness won't swallow her whole.

"Ready?" I ask Tris as she comes out of the bathroom, back in her dauntless colored outfit. She shrugs, "Hey, that doesn't seem very optimistic." I tell her and she glares at me as we exit her room. This is going to harder than I thought.

"You okay to ride the train?" I ask, hoping that will take her mind off something. "Yeah I'm fine." She says with some tone in her voice. We said goodbye to Caleb this morning, I asked him again about our baby chances, and I got the same answer. This time I just didn't mention it to Tris, knowing that it would've brought her down more.

We arrive at the platform and see the train coming, so we start running. I swing in and reach my hand out to Tris pulling her in. We sit side by side, our shoulders touching, silence filling the cart.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask her knowing a million things are running through that mind of hers.

"I've just been wising my mother was here, these past few days." She says and my heart aches for her. I know her pain now, I didn't understand to a certain extant till Evelyn passed. I didn't know what it was like for your own mother to pass right before you, until it happened to me.

"Yeah." I sigh not knowing what really to say. "I just want a mother's perspective, if that even makes sense." She explains, and we jolt as the train goes over a small bump.

"It makes sense." I tell her. She leans into my shoulder. "I love you." She says, her voice muffled by the fact the her mouth id covered by my sweatshirt. "I love you too." I say and pull her onto my lap, her straddling me.

"Hey look at me." I say lifting her chin up so her eyes match up with mine. She sniffles a little. "We're going to get through this." I tell her seriously. She stares into my eyes for a moment, and I give up on trying to read what she's thinking of.

"Really?" She asks. Her voice soft, cracking here and there.

"Yes. This is an obstacle that we just have to over come. And we're going to do it together." I tell her and kiss her forehead, my lips linger there for the remainder of the ride.

"Home sweet home." I say as we enter the apartment. Tris doesn't say anything, just throws her bag on the couch and heads for the bedroom. I sigh, then go over to pick up her bag, and follow her to the bedroom.

I walk in and see that she's not in here, but instead I hear the shower running. I empty her bag, putting things away. I pick up the pile of her clothes she wore to get here off the floor by the bathroom door, but pause when I hear another noise mixing with the rush of running water.

Sobs. That's what I can make out, Tris crying out in pain from her heart. I close my eyes and put the clothes in the laundry bin and take a seat on the bed. Putting my head in my hands, still hoping that this is all still some crazy dream. Although I know very well is not. The water stops but the sobs don't, they continue full stream.

But I rush to the door when I begin to her bottles hit the walls and the floor of the tub. I twist the handle to get in but she locked it.

"Tris open the door." I say before banging on it. She just continues to sob, but I soon remember that I have a spare key.

I stick it in the lock and go in, she's hunkered down in a ball in the tub. I go over and don't even care that my clothes will get wet, all I know and focus on is Tris.

And how I know that all she needs right now, is to be held.

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