Chapter 54

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Tris POV
"You could've saved me tris." I'm walking down the hall when I hear a voice. That voice becomes a person and steps out of the darkness. "You could've just forgiven me." It's Al. He's walking towards me and that's when I see it, the blood, the pain in his eyes, the pain in his voice. "Al?" I say and I choke back the tears. "Who else did you kill by not forgiving them?" He says.

"You could've saved me tris." Its the same words but a different voice. I turn around and see a man stumbling out of the dark coming into the light. Will. "Will?" I say as my hand moves to cover my mouth as I see it, the bullet hole. The bullet I shot through my friend, the hole I left.

"You didn't have to shoot me there, why not my foot or my hand?" He asks. His voice is strained but still his. I think of that all the time and will for the rest of my life. I could've saved him, kept him alive if I'd shot him in the hand.

"Beatrice?" I look to my right and see my father, an honored abnegation man walking out, blood and holes covering his grey clothing. "Daddy?" I ask tears now glassing over my eyes. He just looks at me, his eyes looking at me, the blood trickling everywhere and the holes covering different areas of his body hitting me with pain. "Daddy, I'm so sorry." I whisper.

"You didn't save me." I hear a voice. I turn around again to the direction Al stands and behind him walks out Marlene, blood covers her. You can't tell where it began nor where it ends. "I tried. I wanted to." I say as if the truth serum runs through my veins. "You didn't save me." She repeats. Her voice cold, and filled with hurt.

"Beatrice sweetheart?" I hear a voice ask, a voice I've wanted to hear so badly, a voice that I've needed to hear. I wrap back round to the last empty corner and there she stands. My mother. Still as beautiful as ever, her brown locks flowing over her shoulders and her thin body wrapped in grey. Only now blood soaks her abdomen. She's the one I run to, the one I let the tears spill out for.

I hold her in my arms and she holds me in hers, her embrace feeling the same as it did before. "Mom." I say pulling back to look at her. Her fingers tuck a strand of hair behind my ears and for once in so long I feel whole again. Just her touch sends that through me, and she's the only one not blaming me nor is she mad at me.

"Mom I miss you. I miss you so much." I say pouring my heart out as well as my tears. "I know dear. I know." "I need you. I need you so badly." I say to my mother. She wipes my tears but new ones just replace the old. "Sweetheart you're getting along just fine, and I'm always with you. But right now, you need to wake up." She says.

Wake up.

Wake up.

I watch as my mother fades in front of me, her presence leaving me.

Wake up.

"Tris wake up!" I jerk awake and look around, but someone's grasping my shoulders. "Tris shh, shh, It was just a nightmare." Tobias says and he wraps his arms around me and my tears not only run down my face but his bare chest as well. I try to stifle a sob but it doesn't work.

"Baby, it's okay. It's okay, it was just a nightmare. Its all okay now, you're here. You're here safe with me." His calming words sooth me. Soon my eyelids get heavy and I feel Tobias lay me down, and wrap his arms around me as he lays next to me. "Goodnight love. Sweet dreams." I hear him say, and I remember him kissing my temple before I drift off.

(A/N: Hey all!! I'm so proud of this chapter, almost actually cried when writing it. Hope you can feel the pain and sadness in the chapter. Luv to all and thanks for reading!❤️)

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