Chapter 30

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Tobias POV(time lapse: 3days)
I am so thankful that we decided to take luca in, he's really started to like it here and he's gotten more comfortable with me. Tris decided to take Luca with her and go visit Christina, I'm sitting in bed reading a book. The phone starts to ring so I get up to answer it. "Hello?" "Hello. Is this tobias eaton?" The voice asks. "Yes." I say Leary. "This is doctor landow, I'm calling regarding your mother." He says and suddenly I feel sick. "Oh." I all I can manage to say. "She's not doing well and she'd like to see you." He says. "Sure I can come over." "Okay. Just ask for her when you get to the front desk and they shall tell you her room number. Have a nice day." He says and hangs up.

Just then tris and luca walk through the door. "Hey." She says kissing me. "Hi. I'm going to head out just for a few hours." I tell her and she nods. "I'll be here with luca!" She says and I smile.
I leave and go get on the train, soon I arrive at the hospital and walk up to the front desk. The woman looks up,
She's looks a few years older then me and has chocolate brown eyes and dark shiny brown hair. "Hi. Can I help you?" She asks. "Yes I'm here for evelyn Johnson." I say. "Alright. Room 357." She says. I thank her and walk down the hall way. I find the room and knock. I hear a small "come in." She I open the door. I see her hooked my to many Machines and wires and she looks pale.

"Tobias!" She says. I walk over to her but don't sit down. "Hi." I say. "Thank you for coming. And thank you for not bringing luca." She says. "Why didn't you want luca here?" I ask. I'm pretty sure I know the answer, I just don't what it to be true. She pats the side of her bed signaling for me to take a seat in the white plastic chair next to her bed. The room is a pale green color with some white designs at the top, there's a window but it's shut.
I sit down and she faces me. She puts her hand to my face and I have to bite my lip to hold back tears. "It's okay tobias. It's okay." She coos. I do wish I had brought tris here, for her comfort, her warmth, her love.

"You can't leave." I whisper. "You can't leave!" I say louder. "Tobias. It's okay. I'm ready." She says. She sounds as if she's fully prepared. As if everything is perfectly normal. "It's not okay. You can't leave. Luca.. What about him?" She cuts me off. "He has you, and tris." She says. "What about me?" I ask. "What if I'm not ready?" I whisper the last part. "Tobias.." She begins. "No.
Evelyn I have been distant from you, hated you even. But you can't tell me you die, leaving me with a monster then tell me your alive and die for real! You can't! I can't go through that again even if that last time wasn't real." I say.

It's true. I can't handle that pain and grief again. I've been through so much of that lately, I can't handle more. "Tobias I know, but you will be fine. Your going to have a wonderful life,
Have a wonderful family, love luca, marry tris," I cut her off again. "How did you know that?" I ask. She chuckles a bit. "It's bound to happen some time." She says as if it's obvious. "Oh." "Tobias leaving you is something I have and will regret forever! But being able to see you again..." She stops when a tear falls down her cheek. I remember as a child watching my mother tear up and some times cry as my father beat her or yelled at her. Sometimes when he was out and it was only us two she'd cry just to let it all out.

"Tobias getting to see you again was a blessing I never knew I could get the chance to have. Your my blessing." Im crying now. "Tobias you... Were... My.... Miracle." She says and as she says the words her voice gets slower and I watch her eyelids close. I wrap my hand around hers as she stumbles on the word were. I can already tell she's weaker but when she hits miracle her hand goes limp. I watch her heart monitor slow way down, there is still a bit of breathing left so I tell her something before she goes.

I love you mom.

That's when her monitor starts beeping and a straight line appears.

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