Chapter 112: Dr. Lars

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Thank you, everyone, everyone for the good wishes

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Thank you, everyone, everyone for the good wishes. I do appreciate the love 🥺
This chapter is a mouthful. I hope you enjoy it. I struggled with this one. It didn't turn out that well. But I'm still happy with it 💙

Tuesday, January 31st, 1991

"Hey there old man."

Dr. Lars chuckles humorously and shakes his head. "Still making fun of me, are we?"

"Yeah I am." I smile. "Happy New Year."

"Same to you." He looks over at Mani. "And this must be the famous Iman Darlington." He smiles at her.

"Yes, I am." She chuckles and shakes his hand.

"Call her Mani," I whisper in his ear for her not to hear.

"Will do." He responds. "Well have a seat you two." He motions to the chairs. "Wow, it is nice to finally meet you. Nikki has told me so much about you."

"I hope only the good stuff." She murmured playfully.

We all laugh.

"I saw that you won an award at the AMA's?" He tips his head smiling.

"Yeah, we did!" I yelled with excitement. "I was so fucking... sorry I was so happy!"

"That's wonderful and well deserved. All your hard work paid off. I thought you would have come down and attended the awards with your bandmates. I was shocked to only see Vince and Tommy there."

"Well Mick isn't really into awards and stuff, so he didn't attend, and I decided to just stay in Idaho. I was doing well so I didn't wanna leave."

"So, it went well for you?"

"It was great. I reconnected with my whole family."

"Awe that is nice." He nods his head. "How did you feel going?"

"I mean... at first I didn't want to because it is snowing there. And I didn't wanna confront my past. Plus, I'm so used to the L. A life and being crazy busy. But once I got there, I found myself reflecting and relaxing."

"That is good to hear. Sometimes getting away and going somewhere quiet gives you a new outlook on life."

"Yeah, especially because I just got back from tour. I knew I needed to get away."

"Yes, at least you know when it is time to stop and say hey... I need a break... I need to go someplace to take some time for myself."

"Yup." I smile.

"It sounds to me like you were at peace."

"I was."

He then makes a straight face. "Have you spoken to your mom yet?"

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