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Kommissars, are highly specialised officers within the Kovenant Imperial Army assigned directly by the Kovenant Imperial government to all Kovenant Imperial Army Regiments and even being assigned to the Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine [Space naval forces] and even the Aquamarine [Maritime Naval Forces]
This are specialist officers that were assigned to keep discipline and morale as well as ensure that, whatever group of soldiers, Naval personel or Luftwaffe airwing that they are assigned to will have their discipline upheld at any and all costs.
This men and women have existed eversince the founding of the Kovenant Empire, originally as merely support officers, but now kommissars served as the main watchmasters for the Kovenant Empire in general, keeping an eye out for any signs of faltering discipline as well as ensuring that the unit's devotion to the Kovenant Empire is upheld.

Should discipline ever begin to falter, than the Kommissars will do whatever it takes to ensure that it is restored, typically by drilling the soldiers in combat situations and keeping the unit in shape.
In addition, Kommissars have the authority to punish and execute any soldier regardless of their rank should they be deemed a coward, a Traitor and even be executed for sheer incompetence when it comes down to leading soldiers into battle.
This applies to whatever the Kommissars are assigned to, either it be the Imperial Army, Luftwaffe or even Aquamarine and Kriegsmarine.

However it is also the duty of this officers to root out any spies and infiltrators that had snuck their way into Imperial Army ranks.

That's not to say that Kommissars would execute soldiers at a whom. However if a commanding officers consistently shows incompetence leading soldiers, than the Kommissars will not think twice to execute them either via hanging them or simply just executing the officers themselves.

Kommissars are also responsible for keeping any idle Regiments [Or whatever military branch they are assigned to] in combat readiness and good physical and mental shape. Typically by drilling them 2 times a week in order to keep this men and woman on their tows and getting consistent exercise while not engaged in battle.

Because of the role that they play, Kommissars are among the most terrifying individuals within the Kovenant Imperial Army, due to them being strict and uncompromising taskmasters, but also because they have the authority to execute anyone if they are deemed a coward, Traitor or simply an Incompetent man who leads troops to their deaths.

To spite the fear and great dread that they inspire within their assigned units, Kommissars still seek the earn the respect of their charges by fighting alongside them in the field of battle, typically always leading by example and displaying great acts of bravery, devotion and ferocity by fighting alongside their troops, while at the same time maintaining the cohesiveness of their unit. As this men and women realise that their authority means little if the men do not respect them or if it cannot be enforced one way or another.

The Kommissars themselves knew that their troops are never going to like them, however the Kommissars will always try and get this men to respect them because that, can be almost as good.

Because of the fact that they are directly assigned by the Kovenant Imperial Government itself, Kommissars technically and effectively exist outside the structure of the Imperial Army and Navy, as they are first and foremost under the service and command of the Kovenant Imperial government and operates under a wing of the Kovenant Imperial government known as the Office of Kommissars, who's headquarters are located no more than 4 miles east of Berlin.

Kommissars are typically not  assigned to units of the same world, as they are typically assigned to units from other worlds instead and given basic information about the men under their charge in order to understand who exactly that they were dealing with.
In theory, this ensures that Kommissars maintained neutral ground in their assigned Regiments and remain untouched by any biases that they might have tuwards men from their own homeworld.

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