Panzer Grenadiers.

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Panzer Grenadiers are often seen as the pinnacle of regular Infantry formations, they are given extensive training in order for them to become highly successful, motivated and effective mechanised Infantry in support of Panzers.

There is no difference between the Panzer Grenadier and Regular Infantry uniforms, as they all had the same gear. However Panzer Grenadiers had a green outline on their rank, collars and shoulder patches of their body denoting them as Panzer Grenadiers.

However because of their intense training, Panzer Grenadiers are often better trained, equipped and highly successful soldiers. They were excellent heavy shock assault Infantry, armed with a variety of small arms and heavy weapons to engage Infantry, Tanks and even aircraft.

Additionally, they were also completely mechanised, allowing them to keep up with their Panzer forces.

This, combined with their extreme effectiveness as shock assault Infantry combined with good weapons and excellent training made them out to be among the best and most lethal Infantry formations in the entire Kovenant Empire...

Panzer Grenadiers are often seen as an elite, highly mobile, extremely deadly shock assault troops, that would only find their match in the Kovenant Stormtroopers and Storm Eagle Commandos when it comes down to their sheer effectiveness on the battlefield and in the support of Tanks in the assault or defence.

Squad organisation.

A Panzer Grenadier squad would consists of 12 men, among them are:
•The Squad leader.
•Deputy Squad leader.
•1 Radio operator (also a Grenadier)
•1 Light Machine Gunner.
•1 Assistant Gunner.
•7 regular Grenadiers.

For weapons the Grenadiers were given the STG-85 as their premier assault Rifle, simply because of its supreme effectiveness and lethality, coupled with reliability and ease of maintenence.

•2 Panzerschreks.

•1 MG-6 Light Laser Machine Guns.

•1 Compact Grenade Launcher. (Assigned to second in command)

•4 Grenades (Per every soldier expect machine gun crew)

•Mag lugers.

As well as Lasen-Gewehrs to act as a secondary option for a primary weapon.
However most Grenadiers prefer STG-85 Heavy Assault Rifles.

As for Melee weapons, each Panzer Grenadier was given a Bayonet/Combat knife as well as an entrenching tool, typically a spade with sharpened edges which can be used as a deadly Melee weapon in its own right.


Additionally, Panzer Grenadiers were also given vehicles which they often used in battle to support them.

This Vehicles were typically the Imperial Half-track, which was used to great effect to carry them into battle and than sticking around to provide heavy firepower and support for the Panzer Grenadiers.

However, every Panzer Grenadier Company had 400 Puma IFVs at their disposal as an alternative to the traditional half tracks

(Puma IFV, capable of carrying a full squad of 12 men)

Recruitment and training.

Panzer Grenadiers often select for those who are physical fit, mentally resilient, quick to learn, plan and those who are able to endure high intensity missions without getting tired as easily. This is because of their role as elite shock assault Infantry.

Panzer Grenadier recruitment is strict and highly demanding as only the best of the recruits will become Panzer Grenadiers and see action on the front...
However, regular Infantry can also volunteer to be retained as a Panzer Grenadier if they so wished. However in this case, if a soldier is going to volunteer for the Panzer Grenadiers, than he must be physical and mentally fit and able as well as serve in multiple campaigns beforehand. Or in the case of older soldiers, survive a decade of service to the Wehrmacht.

Training lasted for well over 8 Months and training typically included weapons training, knowing how to fight with Panzers, long physical exercises and intense drills and assault courses... All of these training courses were designed in such a way so as to ensure that the men will be hardened, elite and highly trained and motivated crack shock assault Panzer troops by the time they finish their 8 month long training period.

Training includes shock assault courses, rapid and aggressive maneuver warfare, urban combat, as well as learning how to fight as a unified force with other Panzer Grenadiers as well as learning how to fight and coordinate with Panzers and their Half tracks or Pumas to act as Infantry support.

In the end, those who failed training will be returned to their original unit but those who passed with graduate and become Panzer Grenadiers.

They were also trained basic survival skills, but also trained on all of their weapons systems in order to bring them up to a higher standard than that of their original units... No effort is spared when it comes to the training of these men.

They were also trained how to read maps, tell distances, as well as call in Artillery and air support - However they also recieved training on how to destroy enemy tanks even without the support of their friendly Panzer units.

Style of fighting.

Panzer Grenadiers can fight both as dismounted or mounted Infantry.

Because of the fact all of them are either given Half tracks or Puma IFVs per every individual squad, this meant that they will use them to support the Panzer troops in battle.
When dismounted, Panzer Grenadiers will often fight with the support of not only their Panzers, but also fighting witb the support of their Puma IFVs and Half tracks.

This meant that they can reliably use their vehicles to stick around and support an attack, using shock, Awe, speed, training and superior firepower to help win a battle in favour of the Panzer troops.


However when the circumstances present themselves, then the Panzer Grenadiers can also fight as vehicle mounted infantry in both their Imperial Half tracks and Puma IFVs.
In this case the Panzer Grenadiers will fight from within their Vehicles, firing out from firing slits and using the weaponry available to their vehicles in order to help win the day for them.

This effectively turned their vehicles in mobile strong points, as it completely protected the Panzer Grenadiers, while also allowing them to continue fighting both from within the vehicle and finaly dismount when the opportunity presents itself.
It also made them extremely mobile, allowing them to keep up with the Blitzkrieg being performed by friendly Panzer units.

However the Panzer Grenadiers also use the Panzers themselves as a means of transport. Typically they would do this by hopping on one of the Panzers and riding it any battle, where in they will dismount and fight on foot again.


Taking all of this into account, ftom their weapons, tactics, doctrine and training, Panzer Grenadiers are among the best Kovenant Panzer troops they could ever hope to offer to the enemies that present themselves.

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