Imperial Army Psychics.

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Before we look into Imperial Psychics, we must first clarify the definition of what exactly a Psychic is.


A Psychic, is a catch all term for a member of any species that had been born with an extremely rare form of mutation, which allows them to pier into the madness of Null Space and than use that raw power in the form of raw Psychics powers avd abilities.

It should also be noted that because it is indeed a catch all term, that meant that Psychics are not limited to the human race alone. Rather Psychics mutations would more often than not, be seen in many other species avd while some species are seemingly immune to said mutation, there are species of none sentient Xeno animals having developed Phycic mutations, all the way up to sentient Races also developing such traits as well.

However what is most striking is that one can never trully know when, where or how Phycic mutations happen, they happen seemingly at random and with no particular pattern and as such, it was impractical to try and catalog the rate in which Psychic powers are "awakened" or were found within individuals.

With their connection to Null Space, Psychics often forfill various important and often necessary roles that were needed in the Kovenant Empire and indeed in many other Nations and factions across the galaxy... This is because some of this Psychics will have the ability to safely look into, and even open up rifts on the fabric of reality into Null Space... As such, those Phycics that are capable of doing such feats are sent to be trained as Psychic Cartographers within the Kovenant Imperial Kriegsmarine, as this beings were the ones who guide the ships and fleets of the Kovenant Empire across the galaxy via Null  space travel.

However, in the case of the Kovenant Imperial Army, since they are not looking for Cartographer Psychics, the Imperial instead looked for powerful Psychics who display the greatest ability to unleash a great deal of destruction while still remaining stable enough for training and use on the field of battle.


Often times, as soon as a Psychic is spotted within society, than it is common place for the Imperial Army to track them down and formally bring them in for training to control their powers.

When this is done it is important to understand the power level of this Psychics, as their power could vary wildly to low level Psychic abilities such as being able to manipulate objects with telekinesis and crushing objects at will through said abilities - All the way up to truly powerful Psychic abilities that can unless powerful psychic attacks that can destroy an entire continent and purge it of life, if not indeed, purge the whole planet itself.

As such, when Psychics are taken in, it is not merely a way for the military to get more Psychics for the Imperial Army and Navy, but it is also a matter of public safety and security, as such beings will be a danger to the whole community, simply because they don't know how to properly channel and control their gifts. Paradoxically this also made recruitment somewhat difficult because soldiers have to be extra cautious in that regard.

However once they got their hands on the Psychic, than they will typically escort them to a Planet bound Psychic training school, which was, of course, guarded and operated by the Kovenant Imperial Military. Here the Psychic in question will be questioned to get basic information about the individual, before than they are placed there for scanners and other devices to help the personel within get an idea of the power level of each Psychic.

The Kovenant classified Psychics based upon the following classifications.
Starting from the most powerful to the least powerful we have:

Omega Class Psychics.

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