Imperial Infantry Squad.

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(Continuing on with the previous chapter about Kovenant Imperial Army soldiers, we will now talk about the Imperial Squad organization.)

Kovenant Infantry squads typically consisted of 10 - 13 men (If an MG7 Heavy machine gun team is attached to the squad)

It consisted of the following:
1.) The Squad leader [Sargent]

2.) The Deputy squad leader typically holds the rank of Obergefreiter. (or when translated as "Lance Corporal")

3.) 6 Schutzen or "Riflemen"
one of which is a radio operator, capable of communicating with all nearby branches such as Artillery, Luftwaffe forces, or Panzers or even just communicating with the rest of the larger units such as Brigades and Battalions.

4.) 1 Light Machine gunner. As well as 1 Assistant.

The Squad leader [Sargent]

The Squad leader was armed with two types of weapons, either they were armed with an MP50 smg, or they were armed with a Lasen-Gewehr to have the added advantage of having the ability to simply charge for limitless amounts of ammunition in the form of energy bolts.
He is also armed with a Lasen-luger or a regular Luger depending upon his preferences, as the Squad leader had the ability to choose between his main and secondary weapons.

The squad leader's responsibility was to lead soldiers into battle and coordinate their actions as he was the one commanding the unit.

He also directed to the fire of the LMG and ordered him which targets to engage.
And if the Combat situation required, also directed the fire of his individual soldiers.

Outside of combat, It was also his responsibility to ensure that the equipment of his men was in order and was to make sure that they all had the proper amount of ammunition and that all their weapons and equipment were being well maintained.
This may also include the cleaning and maintenance of uniforms and the weapons of the riflemen, who were responsible for cleaning their own weapons with the squad leader supervising them.

The second in command/Deputy squad leader/Obergefreiter.

The second in command's duties are to command the actions of the squad in the absence of its original commander, when wounded and incapable of commanding his troops or otherwise killed in action.

Additionally, it was also his responsibility to communicate between the squad and the Platoon leader or other nearby squads, thusly he was vital for the coordination of the unit as a whole.

However the Second in command is also armed with a 40mm Grenade Launcher, and this was so that he could act as the squad's grenadier.
Typically being given 18 Grenade launcher rounds to use as he sees fit.

Light machine gunner.

The Light machine gunner was armed with the MG6 Laser machine gun and carried 3 extra small batteries in addition to the small battery already attached to the MG6 itself.
Each battery was good for 2000 laser bolt shots, giving a total of 8000 laser bolts for all the batteries combined, allowing the high-powered weapon to mow down enemy soldiers and effectively suppress enemy squads and enemy positions.

It was his responsibility to operate this weapon, as well as ensure that it is well-maintained and regularly cleaned.

Note: the battery is often referred to as a "Double chambered battery" because it had two round Chambers like the traditional drum magazines of old.

Lmg Assistant gunner.

The Assistant gunner was there to assist the machine gunner.
His responsibilities included carrying 4 container boxes that hold 4 extra batteries within each of them, thus giving the light machine gunner about 32,000 extra laser bolt shots which could be used in battle.

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