Imperial Heavy Weapons 2.

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(We will continue where we left off last time)

Pax-88 Anti Tank Gun teams.

Pax-88 Anti Tank Guns are Railgun weapons that were used in an Anti-tank, Anti-vehicle and in a limited fashion, Anti-air capacity as well.

Pax-88 cannons are powerful Railguns that fire armour piercing rounds, as well as armour piercing high explosive rounds to destroy any and all enemy Armoured vehicles and tanks at extreme ranges. It is one of the Kovenant's best and most powerful anti tank weapons.

The Railgun itself is also extremely powerful and combined with the armor piercing and armour piercing high explosive rounds can penetrate in upwards up to 800mm up to 980mm worth of Ceramite armour.
This gave the Pax-88 the ability to engage and effectively destroy all but the most heavy armour of Tanks and vehicles.
Thus making it an extremely deadly and dangerous anti tank weapon. If not indeed one of the deadliest Anti-tank weapons in the known Galaxy.

The Pax-88 can engage any and all light tanks, Medium Main Battle tanks, and even some Heavy Tanks as well. Though the Pax-88 starts to loose effectiveness againts Heavy Tanks and indeed, Super Heavy Tanks as well.
However, the Pax-88 can still deal tremendous damage to this heavier vehicles and can be expected to reliably and consistently destroy almost all types of Tanks and armoured vehicles.

It may take some time and perhaps a few Anti Tank shells, however the Pax-88 will destroy the target with only a few shells. Its worth noting that it isn't a one shot kill weapon, rather it damages the armour to such an extent that the armour will break apart and will get pierced when the 2nd or 3rd round hits it.
This is because of 51st Millennium Ceramite armour, being much more resilient and strong. Necessitating multiple hits from weapons systems, including man portable anti tank weapons and even the Railgun cannons of Panzers... The same principle/fact applies to the Pax-88 Anti Tank Railgun.

The Pax-88 needs a crew of 3 to 4 men to operate each individual gun properly and a Veteran, proficient gun crew can fire the gun rapidly to engage multiple targets all at once.

The Pax-88 comes equipped with an advanced target acquisition systems and other related systems needed for accurate aiming and acquisition of targets by the crews.
This gave the Pax-88 solid accuracy and it can hit it targets from far away distances.

The Pax-88 can also be moved around by the soldiers themselves without too much difficulty, either by pulling or pushing it into position, the soldiers were also taught how to disguise the weapons on the battlefield and this meant that it can also be used in an Ambush situation.

The Pax-88 also has a good firing range as well. It can fire and hit targets kilometers away and most tanks will not be able to shoot back. Due to the Railguns mounted on most Tanks not being able to reach that distance. With only Heavy and Super Heavy Tanks being able to fire at greater distances.

Another advantage was the fact that because it was made out of Plasteel and light yet durable materials, that it only had a total weight of 300kg in terms of combat weight.
This meant that the Pax-88 does not require a vehicle to tow it around the battlefield, as the crew themselves would be the ones to bring the weapon to different locations and points of engagement around the battlefield. As such it had a good Tactical mobility.
Only needing to be towed when in need of repairs or on very long marches.

Overall, a cheap, reliable and supremely deadly and devastating Anti-tank weapon. Able to out range most enemy tanks and vehicles while remaining hidden and hard to spot.

However, according to army regulations
"The High performance and penetrative capabilities of the Gun must not tempt one to fire too early. Late firing of the gun and its accompanying Pax Combat group gives them increased hitting probability, masks their positions until too late and increased their penetration performance and restricts ammunition consumption"

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