Occupation Regiments.

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Occupation Regiments.

The Kovenant has always had a way in which they secure kewly captured worlds and territories after a successful invasion of a planet, while the policy was a bit controversial, it was nonetheless effective in what it brought to the table in terms of occupying and suppressing rebellions in the newly acquired territories and would help in the cultural assimilation of the world into the greater whole of ths Kovenant Empire. In the wake of a Kovenant Invasion, regular forces were expected to occupy it for some time, however, they were only to do this as a temporary assignment before being sent to other fronts, battles or simply being sent home for their services.

Instead, the Wehrmacht makes use of dedicated "Occupation Regiments" which are a special type of formation that is fielded to occupy, garrison and hold any and all captured enemy worlds in the wake of a successful invasion and conquest.

Typically these Regiments would be the size of roughly 670,000 men, which is bigger than normal.

Role to play.

The Occupational Regiments had many roles, functions and responsibilities, one of them was the occupation of the planet, mostly by placing garrisons in the major towns and cities all over the world.
They were to hold the territory and enforce the Kovenant's rule over the planet.

However they were given many other roles and tasks to perform.

Another one of their tasks was the suppression and elimination of descent and the elimination of any and all rebellions and potential insurgencies that could occur on the planet.
This meant that the occupational forces were armed with an appropriate set of equipment and hardware to combat such threats.
In the suppression of descent the occupational forces are to use propaganda to convince the people of the Kovenant Empire's goals... However, occupational Regiments are known to employ what is called "A lighter hand."

In this case, instead of forcefully suppressing and integrating the population, the Kovenant occupational forces would use persuasion, not punishment to integrate the people. Occupational forces would provide for those in need after the conflict has ended and than use that to gain an advantage in convincing the people... Of the Kovenant's culture. It is essentially, a slow, gradual integration of the population of a world over the course of either Decades or a few Generations, but, with very high success rates.

This combined with propaganda, a program of rebuilding and general assistance, than, the population will see reason.

So as a direct result of this, Occupation Forces are directly responsible for the cultural integration or assimilation of the population into the greater whole of the entire Reich. They are a key component to the long term hold that the Kovenant has over the planet, or atleast the population that didn't evacuate prior or during the Invasion.

However they were still a proffesional fighting force. As such they were also expected to fight againts any rebellions and insurgencies that is actively resisting the Kovenant's occupation of the world.
Often times Occupational Regiments would use the Kovenant's military and technological might to win out againts these cells of insurgents where ever they are.

As such they are also involved in police duties, counter insurgency operations and the crushing of rebellions by any means at their disposal.

Another role that they play is the security of the new planetary government. Because the new  governing body of the planet is still young and in it's infancy, it is the duty of the Occupational forces to prop up and help secure the government againts any and all threats both internal and external.
Thus they often also provide general security for them and assist police forces.

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