Imperial Medium Artillery.

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As with all things, there are some situations in which Light Artillery and Light Artillery batteries are not sufficient to break more tough situations or adequate to break more entrenched or otherwise more formidable positions. Things such as extremely well fortified positions or simply because they lack the firepower needed to crack the fortifications with only their light Artillery ordinance. Than the Kovenant can bring forth its more powerful forms of Artillery. Enter Imperial Medium Artillery Battery Command.

Medium Artillery still plays an important role in the Kovenant Imperial military.
They can forfill much the same role as light Artillery, however Medium Artillery is best used againts heavily forifird targets, additionally because of their increased range they are able to perform counter battery fire, and because of its greater range and firepower per shell, it can forfill all the roles of light Artillery with much greater effect.
Typically, Medium Artillery is infamous for the fact that it can deliver much greater destructive power over much longer distances than the Light Artillery batteries that were attached to the Infantry.

Things such as providing Artillery support, performing Harassing fire, Annihilation fire, Standing Barrage etc.
However since it was also used for counter battery fire and can crack open more heavily fortified enemy fortifications. As well as taking out groups of enemies at ranges that the Light Artillery is simply not capable off, all with a high rate of fire and with excellent accuracy.


The organisation of Medium Artillery batteries followed much the same set up as the Light Artillery Battery structure.

In this case it would be organised into a Single Main Medium Battery Command.
Which is than made up into 5 smaller battery commands, which were marked as Battery Commands A - E, of which each battery command had well over 1000 Medium Artillery pieces.

This 1000 guns can than be divided into smaller grand batteries of 100 guns each, which is than further divided into smaller Individual Gun batteries of 15 guns per individual medium gun battery.

Additionally they also have their own supply and logistics unit to move, set up and supply all the medium guns into place and to keep them maintained, firing, supplied, fully crewed, inspected, repaired and if the individual guns are no longer serviceable than they are simply replace outright with new Medium Artillery pieces.

However there is one crucial difference.
Medium Artillery is not an organic component to any Infantry formations, rather they were organised into their very own Independent "Medium Artillery Regiment"

The problem with Light Artillery is that they were organic to Infantry Regiments alone and this limits their usage in the aid of other Regiments unless they are close by one another or in the same operational zone.

However this Medium Artillery Regiments was designed to solve that one problem, they were organised in such a way that it was typically used to support other units besides the Infantry. In this case the individual medium battery commands would be attached to Panzer Regiments.
This was because Panzers Regiments required much more powerful Artillery pieces for their Blitzkrieg assaults to fully work and for it to go very well.

However this Medium Artillery Regiments would be kept mostly independent, so that the entire Regiment would not be souly dedicated to supporting one single unit, rather, the Medium Artillery could assign their Medium Artillery Battery Commands over to various Regiments that need them, be that Infantry who's Light Artillery would not be sufficient, be it for Counter battery fire, or be it in the support of Panzer Regiments and in the general support of a rapid breakthrough attempt through the enemy lines to annihilate them.

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