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As is necessary with all armies, there is always bound to be a large group of medics to accompany the soldiers into battle.

Throughout the war that stretched accross all the Galaxy, the Kovenant Imperial Army founded and has since than maintained a well organised avd highly skilled medical service, in the form of the Sanitater, otherwise known as the Imperial Medics or Imperial Medical service or even nicknamed "Sanies" who were frequently on the frontline with combat troops, ready to jump in to help wounded men.

Kovenant Imperial Medics, stretcher barrers, ambulance field drivers, surgeons and the frontline medics themselves worked under all kinds of conditions to save the lives of their fellow soldiers.

Recruitment of medics.

As was necessary in order to get the right people for the tasks that they were existed to carry out, recruitment and training in the Imperial medical service varied according to the person's skill, as an example, medical orderlies were recruited from the standard Infantry.
After this men had finished Infantry training those chosen to perform medical service were picked to do basic medical training. It was at this stage where they learned how to apply first aid to wounded soldiers on the battlefield so that they can survive transport to the first dressing station.

While their knowledge was basic it was still very valuable out in combat, as the lives of many soldiers were saved by the timely intervention of this combat medics.
Often, priests, monks and even promising doctors in hospitals were being conscripted to serve as medics.

Higher medical staff such as surgeons, doctors and dentists were recruited from the Imperial Army medical schools, as well as hospitals and medical schools across the entire Kovenant Empire.
Once they've completed their studies they were picked for probationary work in a field unit, after which they were commissioned as second lieutenants.

However, because of the fact the Kovenant Empire was fighting hundreds of battle across a million worlds across the breath of its empire, this took a toll on the medical service, as the number of medics were increasingly becoming a problem as they were being stretched thin across hundreads of war torn worlds.
To compensate for this, students were being chosen to medical training, even from those that had already graduated medical school to help compensate for the increasing shortage of medics.

Kovenant Imperial Medics as a service of the army had to distinct uniform, instead they were equipped with the uniforms of the units that they were assigned to, for example: a medic assigned to a Panzer Regiment, would be wearing the same Panzer crew uniforms as their Comrades, or when they are assigned to an Infantry Regiment, than they will be given standard Infantry uniforms.
With the only difference being that they have their right sleeve had the Asclepius staff on it.

As part of their uniforms medics often times were also seen wearing a white arm band with a white cross on it in order to point out that they were medics.
As well as large white vests with red crosses painted on them and sometimes, even helmets with a red cross on it too.

Equipment and weapons.

Under the directive of Kovenant high command, all medics were to be equipped with combat pistols to protect themselves in battle. This was done because of the directives of the Kovenant Imperial High command that stated that all medical personnel were combatants, meaning that they not only had to right to carry weapons, but also a duty to defend the lives of their patients.


The Most common types of pistol used was the "Mag-Luger."
The Mag-Luger was a powerful combat pistol that used smaller magnetic accelerators within the barrel of the gun to give the weapon far more killing power and even the ability to pierce through enemy armor due to how powerful each accelerated shot was, while it won't pierce tank armor, it'll certainly be able to kill enemy infantry.
It had a 9 round magazine and was supremely reliable.

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