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The Wings are actually supposed to be a hell of alot bigger. Around human hang glider big.


Valkyries, are an Alter Human strain that originated very early on in humanity's early exploration of the stars, predating even the creation of other Alter Human strains.

Valkyries were the result of a Golden Age of Humankind era experiment, in which focused upon creating soldiers capable of flight. This was done because of the fact that the humans of that time era, were far more advanced and forward thinking and so they enthusiastically thought of pursuing the creation of super soldiers.

This experiments involved many strains which would eventually stabilise to become alter Humans, such as with the Nekos.

However, the first Alter Human species created from this experiments, were the so called Winged battle angels, the Valkyries.

Valkyries had a meriad of different traits and biological features that were out of reach of humans.
The most obvious of which was their giant wings, which the Valkyries often use for flight, as well as using it as a sort of Glider as they fly over head.

Valkyry wings allow them to fly high into the air, almost to the point that they can reach the altitude of modern Kovenant fighters and Bombers.
Additionally, asides from flying the Valkyrie wings can be used as a glider, allowing them to use their weapons while still flying high above the battle field with deadly effect.

Additionally, Valkyries need not worry about loosing their wings. Should their wings ever be cut off, completely destroyed or simply disabled, than the Valkyries would more often than not, be able to simply grow a new set of wings, a process which takes a few a month or two, however this meant that Valkyries who loose their wings never stay out of action for too long until they grew a new set of wings.

Asides from their wings and the way in which they can heal them, their healing factor also extends to organs and their skeletal structure, allowing them to gradually heal themselves until they are ready for action once again.
Though they can still be killed and mortally wounded beyond their healing factor.

To aid them when they fly, Valkyries also have a number of biological features to aid them in their given mission and role.

Unliks humans, Valkyries do not possess a normal heart, rather they posses a much larger and much more powerful 5 Chambered, this was so that the Valkyries can pump blood through all their body parts, including their wings easily and more effectively, especially when then fly.

Additionally, Valkyries have much better lung capacity than normal humans. When flying in the air, Valkyries can take in far more air than normal humans to help compensate for the heights that they were typically flying in. As a result Valkyries can fly for hours if not days on end. Meaning that they do not need transports of their own, instead they simply fly above their Comrades.

This eased logistics, as Valkyries did not need transports unless they tired themselves out from flying for days upon days on end, at which point Valkyries would rest and hitch a ride in one of the Imperial Half tracks. Usually sitting on top of it as they drive.

Valkyries are also as strong, if not only a little bit stronger than a normal human. Valkyries are able to carry wounded soldiers, one at a time in order to bring them back to friendly lines. Though they can only carry 1 man, this meant that Valkyries can also be used to safely and literally "airlift" important figures or other soldiers out of harm's way.

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