Heavy Weapons 3.

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(This chapter will feature some Heavy Weapons system that I completely forgot to add the last time.)

Medusa 78 Krieg General purpose quad auto cannon.

The Medusa 78 Krieg Autocannon is a rapid fire weapons system that functions in a dual role.

It was designated as a "General Purpose Autocannon" meaning that it can be used in many situations and still excell at it as a weapons system.

It was designed by the famous German company Messerschmidt, who had been producing Void superiority fighters and bombers for both planetary and void based warfare. Messerschmidt had been commissioned to create a new type of weapon that was to be used as another heavy weapons system for the troops and to give them even more capabilities for short range anti air defence, as well as being able to target fast jets and bombers... But also a weapon that can be used againts ground targets.

Other specifications Includes
1.) Ease of maintenance.

2.) High rate of fire.

3.) is quick in target acquisition and has the ability to track and follow it automatically.

4.) must protect the crew.

5.) can be used againts ground targets.

6.) Can be maintained relatively easily in the field.

7.) Can be transported and deployed quickly.

Seeing this specifications, Messerschmidt went to work upon a new type of weapon which they called the
"General purpose quad Auto cannon"

And after 2 years of testing and experimentation, Messerschmidt had presented a new type of weapon for the Wehrmacht.
They called it the
"Medusa 78 Krieg General purpose quad Autocannon" or Medusa Quad cannon for short.

The Medusa Quad Cannon features 4 rapid fire barrels which fire high velocity anti air rounds. This rapid rate of fire avd extremely high velocity is achieved by advanced magnetic modules present within the weapon itself.
Additionally, it was also supremely accurate, it features a sensor suit connected to an advanced targeting computer capable of split second target acquisition of multiple targets.

This meant that, once a target is locked, the crew simply had to open fire and the automatic targeting and tracking would track all the targets one at a time, as well as this it also compensates for distance and other secondary factors.
Thus, accuracy is ensured no matter the environment or target. This resulted in a 95% kill confirmed kill rate for aircraft of all kinds, including fighter and bomber craft.

Only 1 out of 10 fighters survive being targeted by the Medusa Quad Cannon. Even than it would be extremely heavily damaged.

However, the Medusa Quad cannon can also be used to engage ground targets, both infantry and vehicles of all sorts while still accomplishing its accuracy and tracking.

This is because the targeting computer was designed to be what is refered to as a "General Purpose" targeting computer.
This is one of the best designed systems that Messerschmidt had ever produced. It has the ability not just target and track aircraft, but it also has a ground target setting, which allows it to acquire and engage ground targets... Once this setting is engaged, than the computer will only recognise ground targets, such as Tank or enemy Infantry.

The targeting computer can also be turned off temporarily as well, however the crew will still have access to their instruments, allowing them to manually pick out targets with a degree of accuracy.

And againts Infantry, the weapon was supremely deadly.
Entire Infantry Platoons and even Brigades have recieved heavy casualties from this weapons, as they are able to shred Infantry squads extremely quickly and almost always with no survivors after that.

Another advantage is that the weapon can also reliably engage any and all ground vehicles it comes across.
It is capable of destroying IFVs and APCs consistently, while also being able to effectively defeat  even lightly armoured tanks and damage Medium Tanks when aiming for weak spots.

This meant that it can be used to effectively engage Infantry, vehicles, tanks, aircraft and many others all while maintaining accuracy and a high rate of fire.

For transportation it can be mounted on a specialised and fast truck, typically it was an open design, which means that while it is driving, the crew can still use it without having to dismount the weapon anymore... Additionally, the truck also tows along a munitions trailer which carried extra ammunition for the weapon.

Once presented and once all thr requirements were met, it was put into service immediately. Making a huge effect on the battlefield. Being able to clear the skies of all enemies and than destroying ground targets at a whim.

Tesla Trooper teams.

Tesla troopers are highly trained specialist troops that had been trained in the use of a Tesla cannon.

This soldiers will have been picked out from those soldiers who showed atleast technical expertise with handling complex weapons and would have been organised into teams of 4 men each, all of which were armed with a powerful Tesla cannon.

The Tesla cannon is first and foremost an Infantry Support weapon. It was capable of firing pinpoint accurate bolts of electricity that was capable of burning out electronic systems and giving organic targets nasty burns and severe interval and external damage... The power source for such a weapon was typically located at the trooper's back, which generated the necessary ammount of power needed to use the weapon effectively.

This made Tesla cannons very dangerous and deadly, not only to organic targets but it is also extremely useful againts machine targets, things such as Combat Androids and other mechanical enemies, this is because the Tesla cannons electrical bolts are capable of simply frying and burning out any and all electrical systems, thus making it a devastating weapon againts machines.

Even counter measures can only have limited protection, as thd protection system will simply be burned out overtime by multiple consecutive electrical strikes.

To spite its deadlines, the weapon did have a number of flaws.
One of which is the fact that the weapon itself requires a decently sized generator to remain in operation and needs to be connected to it at all times. The weight was solved by having the soldier wear a specialised Exoskeleton to help with the weight problem.

However another issue is that the weapon only fires in a straight line, meaning that it is incapable of arking its shots, instead it fires in a straight line and strikes any and all targets that is within the vacinity of the bolt itself.
This somewhat limited its ability, however not to the point where it is useless.

The Kovenant often used Tesla troopers and their Tesla cannons to great effect, often to support Infantry directly as well as to target enemy Infantry units. Both out of cover and behind cover, even within buildings.

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