Striker Regiments.

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Kovenant Striker Regiments...

Kovenant Striker Regiments are a type of Regiment, generally referred to as "Medium Infantry." that focused upon excellent inter theater mobility as well as transporting massed Infantry formations with a decent  ammount of fire and armoured support, the Striker Medium Infantry Regiments are among the least understood than their Light Infantry or regular and had more common Mechanised Infantry Regiment brothers.
These formations are generally considered to be a good middle ground between the Light Infantry and the regular, heavier Mechanised Infantry Regiments, they were meant to combine the best from both worlds, including their best abilities, traits and capabilities in a war zone.

Because of this they are classified as "Medium Infantry" formations.

The Regiment mainly fights as dismounted Infantry, but with decent mechanised and armoured support, as well as Artillery to assist, thus, they are often seen using combined arms warfare to their advantage.

Interestingly, the Regiment only has 3 Infantry Companies, thus, only 300,000 men within the Striker Regiments.

The Regiment, like their Regular Infantry Regiment counterparts, would also be a mechanised force.
However instead of using the more common Half-tracks seen in the service of most Kovenant Regiments, the Striker Regiments were given an entirely different, but still excellent vehicle, that being; the Striker IFV.

(Kovenant Striker IFV.)

The Striker IFV was designed to be a fast and very maneuverable vehicle for the Infantry. Yet, they were also designed to have the same level of protection as regular Imperial Half-tracks, that meant they are very well protected againts all small arms fire and have decent protection againts anti tank weapons, comparable to the survivability of Imperial Half-tracks, whom can survive multiple anti tank weapon hits.

Additionally they may also carry a full squad of 10 - 13 soldiers, thanks to there being enough space in the vehicle.

In addition to this, it has a fully rotating turret armed with a long ranged, rapid fire 30mm auto cannon, capable of engaging Infantry as well as light vehicles at long range, as well as mounting a pintle mounted MG6 or Apocalypse Chain gun on the turret.

Additionally, the turret can also be equipped with a side mounted ATGM launcher, giving the Striker a much longer range for engaging vehicles such as Tanks and other vehicles.

The Striker also has excellent cross country mobility, allowing it to go basicaly anywhere it wants or needs to go for its intended missions. With a speed and mobility that was comparable to Half-tracks, both off and on road.

The Striker is generally considered to be a good alternative to the Imperial Half-track, so much so that the Striker has even begun to see use alongside Half-tracks and Puma IFVs in other Regiments. All 3 of them working flawlessly togheter.

As such the Striker was beginning to see integration within other Regiments as well, though, on a small scale, as the Striker and Half-track are considered both great but not excellent enough to have completely replaced the already reliable Half-track, which, continues to see constant improvement in all aspects.

However, this vehicle, the Striker is thr primary IFV and troop transport for the Striker Regiments.

Lastly, the Striker can also replace the turret with an unmanned high powered Railgun cannon. Capable of providing greater fire support to friendly units.


Advantages for Striker Regiments.

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