Imperial Anti-tank Weapons.

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Note: This chapter will cover the most common forms of Infantry held Anti-tank weapons. So this won't cover anything other than Infantry operated Anti tank weaponry.

Imperial Anti-tank weapons.


In the Kovenant Empire, the Wehrmacht uses a meriad of man portable anti tanks weapons for use by all Infantry forces, as a proffesional military that is fighting upon many, many worlds againts a meriad of foes, Infantry operated Anti tank weapons are considered a necessary piece of military equipment especially againts foes that will bring armoured units into a fight.

In a way, the Kovenant wishes to ensure that their men with a variety of weapon options for use on the battlefield.

Typically these weapons are always employed on the squad level. This meant that every single squad is expected to be given disposable or more multi use Anti tank weapons for the job.

Generally speaking the Kovenant prefers to make use of single shit disposable Anti tank weapons... However, they also make extensive and widespread use of weapons that can be fired multiple times given that there is an appropriate supply of munitions.

We shall start by taking a look at Kovenant Disposable Anti Tank weapons.


Panzerfaust A-1.

The Panzerfaust A-1 model is a well known model of Panzerfaust, often used as a cheap, disposable Anti tank weapon that ass simply to operate.

One important thing to note about the Panzerfaust is that there were quote a lot of varients of it. However for now we shall take a look at the most common version, the Panzerfaust A-1.

The Weapon itself was very simple to operate, only requiring a few days of practice and instruction in order for soldiers to be proficient in its use againts enemy Armoured units.

The warhead the Panzerfaust A-1 has is a "Shaped plasma warhead."

This shaped Plasma warhead was designed in such way that, once the warhead hits it's intended target, the plasma would be "shot" into a hot jet of burning, Sheering plasma, which would penetrate the armour, after which the plasma will kill the crew and destroy the vehicle from the inside out, simply, by using it's plasma warhead to cause a devastating fire within the vehicle.

This fire creates by the Plasma is so powerful that it will essentially cause the metal armour of the vehicle to melt like a candle from the inside out. Giving a virtually garauntee that the enemy crew will be killed as well.

The Panzerfaust A-1 has a maximum firing range of 1,100  meters, however it can only have an effective firing range of about 500 - 600 meters or closer.

To put this into perspective, the effective firing range againts tanks according to the Wehrmacht regulations is given at: 500 - 540 meters.

This meant that the Panzerfaust can effectively engage enemy armour and more specifically; Tanks at an effective distance away without exposing the soldiers to be killed by the enemy Armoured units.

What made the Panzerfaust truly special was the fact that, for one, they are stupidly easy to teach soldiers how to operate before they become proficient with the weapon.
And second, is that they are monumentally easy to mass produce, since the weapon itself will only take 1 hour per unit to create untold ammounts of in factories.

This meant that, asides from being an effective tank killer, it can be supplied in very large quantities with not that much complexity within it.

Additionally its also light and easy to carry around, not being a burden to the soldiers on the ground for them to use it.

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