Independent Heavy Breakthrough Battalions.

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"Independent Heavy Breakthrough Panzer Battalions"

Independent Heavy Breakthrough Panzer Battalions or Simply Breakthrough Panzer Battalions, are a specialist armoured formation that were specifically designed to break through fortifications, heavy zones of resistance and engage very heavily armoured tanks that regular Panzers and Panzer troops could not break without taking extremely high casualties. They were to be used againts fortifications and foes that regular Panzer Regiments could not take without recieving heavy casualties.

Though, it should be noted that Independent Heavy Breakthrough Battalions were typically never needed for these roles as the regular Panzers were more then enough, especially with Infantry and Artillery support.

For this reason they were more commonly used to supplement and fight alongside the regular Panzer Regiments, serving as super heavy tank destroyers and Breakthrough tanks. Thus, even when not being used in their intended roles, these Heavy Breakthrough Battalions were still an extremely deadly force, even when not being used for their intended roles.

NOTE: I'll just go over some details here, since alot of what you see here is already explained in previous chaps.



Heavy Breakthrough Panzer Battalions consisted of:

• 3 Platoons of Heavy Panzers (Includes the Headquarters unit)

• 6 Panzer Grenadier Platoons (600 men)

• 1 Light Artillery Battery (12, 105mm Field Guns)

• 1 Logistical and Administration Unit

• 1 L.N. Funker Company Detachment.


1st Heavy Panzer Platoon:

• 100 KR-500 "Cougars"

• Various support and logistical vehicle.

The Krupp "Cougar" is a Heavy tank of the Kovenant Panzerwaffe. It was specifically designed to be a Breakthrough Panzer. It was designed to have extremely powerful and strong armour plating that gave it comparable, if not greater armour protection than that of the Tiger 3. This gave it excellent protection on all parts of the Hull, at the cost of its overall top speed.

It was armed with a 150mm Railgun, which was the same one used on Jagdpanthers, as well as this it also had a side mounted precision laser next to the main gun itself, meant to engage lighter targets without taking up space for ammunition... Other weapons include another Coaxial MG6 light laser machine gun, as well as a Pintle mounted MG6 on the turret.

However, a missile pod containing up to 4 Anti tank missiles can be attached in the turret instead to be used in a bunker busting and tank destroyer role.
Additionally it also had a total of 5 Escape hatches, and a total of 5 crew, as they added in yet another technician/engineer to help with maintenance. The Cougar also had decent crew ergonomics, it was able to keep the crew comfortable enough for long lasting missions, with the the sheer size of the Panzer contributing greatly to that. In otherwords, the Panzer is so big that they could afford to give more consideration to crew comfort than most others.

However the Cougar was slower than most other Heavy Tanks.
It can only barely reach a top speed of 48kph. Which means it was slower than most other Panzer models. However this slower speed it made up for in the fact that it had extreme levels of firepower and protection. Making it able to survive even the most devastating of attacks and hits and still be a dangerous opponent to face down.

Additionally the larger size makes it an obvious Target to not and indeed an easier one. However the presence of the shield generator made such an advantage mute, unless when caught in an Ambush scenario.


2nd - 3rd Heavy Panzer Platoons.

• 100 Heavy Maus Panzers (Per each Platoon.)

• Various support and logistical vehicles.


Author: Ja, sorry if this one was short, but, alot of this is pretty self explanatory.

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