Light Panzer Regiment.

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"Leichtes Panzerregiment."
Translated as
"Light Panzer Regiment."

Light Panzer Regiments are another form of armoured formation employed by the Kovenant Empire and as usual, was part of the Imperial Panzerwaffe of the Wehrmacht. They were and are an alternative type of formation when compared to the normal Panzer Regiments of the Kovenant Empire.

Unlike typical Panzer Regiments however, Light Panzer Regiments were tailored for speed, maneuverability, as well as being able to be used in difficult and restrictive terrain such as dense jungles and places where the Medium and Heavy Panzers typically employed by the Kovenant Empire cannot operate within while sacrificing the  firepower available to it.

Light Panzer Regiments are faster and more maneuverable, but sacrifice firepower for it. As such Light Panzer Regiments does not have the same anti tank capabilities as their brethren Panzer Regiments, however they are still capable of engaging with enemy tanks and they make up for their lack in firepower with great speed, Tactical and strategic mobility and excellent shock value thanks to their maneuverability and great speed.



A Light Panzer Regiment is typically smaller than the regular Panzer Regiments.
This smaller size was because of the fact Light Panzer Regiments needed to be as mobile and to help them catch up with the Infantry and regular Panzer Units during an attack. Another factor for the smaller size was because of the requirement that they be as less resource intensive as possible - this was because Light Panzer Regiments will typically be used in difficult to traverse environments such as jungles or very difficult to traverse terrain. As such the smaller size was so that they can be less resource intensive.

However, the smaller size's main purpose was because of the fact they will be utilised for their shock assault and encirclement value...
Light Panzer Regiments will typically be employed to flank, cut off and surround the enemy into smaller pockets, working in tandem with regular Panzer Regiments and Infantry to achieve an encirclement.


Light Panzer Regiments consisted of:
• 3 Panzer Companies.
• 3 Panzer Grenadier Companies.
• 1 Logistical, maintenance and recovery company.
• 1 L.N. Funker company.
• 1 Heavy Weapons company.
• 3 Grand Batteries of Light Artillery guns
(300 Guns)
• 1 Reconnaissance Battalion.
• 1 Alter Human Brigade.
(2000 Alter Humans)

This set up was so that the Light Panzer Regiments can be both mobile but have the benefits of having Logistical elements, organic Panzer Grenadiers, Artillery support as well as having the advantages made available by having Alter Humans.


Panzer Companies.

1st Panzer Company.

500 Panzer 58(E)
• 45 Observation and Support Half tracks.
• 50 Opel Blitz support trucks.

(Panzer 58E.)

The Panzer 58(E) is a highly mobile and very fast combat vehicle designed to utilise its speed to be able to flank, destroy and run rings around enemy tanks.

The Panzerkampfwagen 58(E) was a direct successor to the old world's ACVT program and one among the vehicles tested in that program is the HSTV-L.

Upon seeing the vehicle's concept, blueprints and specifications, the Kovenant realised that the HSTV-L, a highly mobile, fast and agile vehicle is a very versatile vehicle and be an incredible force multiplier. Thus making it a perfect candidate for the Kovenant's Blitzkrieg Doctrine.
Thus the Kovenant took up the HSTV-L and modernised it to fit in the battlefields of the 51st Millennium.

Renaming the HSTV-L the "Panzerkampfwagen 58(E)" or simply the Panzer 58(E)

The Panzer 58 was given Ceramite armour, which retained the HSTV-L lightweight and speed but giving it excellent protection.
Additionally, its old cannon was replaced with a much more advanced 51st Millennium era Magnetic acceleration cannon, which kept the HSTV-Ls rapid rate of fire while increasing its lethality and armour penetration value.

Additionally, the automatic tracking and target acquisition systems were not only retained but improved significantly to that point that they can now target faster aircraft.

All these improvements has essentially made the Panzer 58(E) into a supremely dangerous Panzer to meet on the battlefield and is without question the spearhead of a Light Panzer assault.

2nd - 3rd Panzer Companies.

• 500 Panzer 2 Ausferung S.
• 45 Observation and support half tracks.
• 50 Opel Blitz support trucks.

(Panzer Zwei Ausferung S. Drawing by me.)

The Panzer 2 is fast highly mobile vehicle that was designed to be the premier light tank of the Kovenant Empire, next only to the Panzer 58 in terms of usefulness, speed, firepower and Tactical mobility on the battlefield.

Like the Kovenant Gravity Panzer, it uses Helium-4 Anti gravity projectors to move around, which in turn allowed it to move through even the most uneven or difficult of terrain with surprising ease.

It has a reinforced Ceramite Hull, improving its armour avd survivability by twice what it had been before hand. It also features the same excellent communications, target acquisition and tracking systems present within all Panzer models,  additionally because of its anti gravity tank design, it was able to cross terrain impossible to cross by other tanks, such a rivers, uneven terrain among others.

The Panzer 2 was armed with a precision laser, the same one used within the Ostwind. Which allows it to engage both ground and air targets with amazing accuracy.
However it was also armed with a anti tank missile launcher attached over to the side of the turret. These anti tank missiles allow it to engage enemy armour from large distances and hopefully destroy them, all while being able to rapidly move around the battlefield.
(As can be seen in the drawing)

Other weapons include a Coaxial MG6 Light laser machine gun since thr Precision laser can target enemy infantry with the same degree of accuracy as a dedicated MG6 Light laser machine gun.

Additionally the Panzer 2 required only a crew of 4 men, all of whom have their own escape hatches to quickly exit the vehicle.


Total Numbers:

1,500 Light Panzers.
• 180,000 Panzer Grenadiers.
• Thousands of Half tracks, supply and logistical vehicles enough for the entire Regiment.
• 10,000 Recon Troops with their own vehicles and transports.
• 2000 Alter Human Troops.
• Thousands of Heavy Weapons teams.
• 300, 105mm Light Artillery guns.

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