Static Regiments.

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Static Regiments.

Static Infantry Regiments are a unique formation within the Kovenant Empire and the Wehrmacht as a whole. This is because of their intended role within the armed forces and because they are organisationally different in terms of composition, personnel, and equipment made available to them.

This is because these Regiments were designed specifically for assignments that did not necessarily require the full attention of an Infantry or Panzer Regiments.

You see, Static Infantry Regiments are essentially a much smaller, more compact Infantry Regiment numbering around 150,000 men, which is considerably smaller than the size of a regular Kovenant Regiment, which, numbered 500,000 men.

The reason for this smaller 150,000 man strong size is because of the fact these Regiments needed to be operationally mobile, swift, and have great mobility, yet at the same time still being able to conduct a basic level of military operations with a fair degree of effectiveness.

These Static Infantry Regiments are typically used to help deal with smaller enemies that did not require the full attention of the much more powerful Infantry or Panzer Regiments.

The Static Infantry Regiments were designed for Infantry mobility in mind, they were never designed to take on the mission set of regular Infantry or Panzer Regiments. This is because their lower numbers meant that they'd be outnumbered and their different equipment also meant that they'd also be outgunned by enemy forces who have Heavy Weapons.
However, since they weren't designed for the Infantry Regiment's mission profile.

The Static Infantry Regiments were designed to be very mobile and rapidly deployable forces for defensive, security, and rapid response purposes.

In this sense, they are a good defensive and holding force, capable of taking over and holding land taken by other Regiments so that they can continue.
This also applies from a defensive standpoint, where they can rapidly redeploy at any time to fortify their next location, using their mobility to form a rapid response force to enemy forces trying to break into a defensive line.

However, this can be extended further by these Regiments staying in reserve around a Defensive line, alongside Panzer Regiments, where their mobility combined with the heavy firepower of the Panzers make for a good rapid reaction force.

These Static Infantry Regiments also make for a good rear line protection force during an attack. They can be reliably used to help back up the more Infantry or Panzer Regiments in a firefight by using their mobility to flank, surround or probe enemy lines, as well as holding any key positions that friendly units take during their advance.

As such they are good for:
• Deployment of motorized Static Infantry to slow or half an advance.

• Suited for holding captured territories on behalf of other Regiments while the more lethal Infantry and Panzer forces move on.

• Suited for large-scale defensive operations.

• Suited for small-scale engagements that do not necessarily require the attention of more powerful forces. Both against small pockets of resistance that were cut off during the assault or against a depleted enemy force.

• They may also be expected to participate in urban combat situations.

• They have the capability for offense, but this is of a limited nature.



A Static Infantry Regiment consisted of:
• 3 Static Infantry Companies.
(50,000 men per Company.)

• 1 Combat Pioneer company.
(50,000 men)

• 1 Grand Battery of 105mm Railgun Artillery pieces.
(100 Guns.)

• 1 Logistical, maintainance and Recovery unit.

• 1 Heavy Weapons Company.
(50,000 men along with their heavy weapons.)

Due to their mission profile, they were not given Panzers, this severely limits their offensive capabilities especially since they will most certainly be outclassed by enemy Tank forces, especially without support.

However, since they were mainly there for defensive operations, this was considered acceptable. So long as it does not impede their defensive abilities.


The real strength of these Regiments are the Static Infantry companies, of whom are equipped with standard

Organisationally speaking they are identical to regular Infantry Companies, however, they were given weapons specifically meant to increase their defensive capabilities 10 fold.

These include many large, bully but powerful anti-tank and anti Infantry weapons... These weapons did not replace the Heavy Weapons seen within Heavy Weapons companies however and instead, they merely supplement an already significant amount of organic firepower within these Regiments.

The training of these soldiers is also the same as regular soldiers, however, because of their nature as static Infantry, they possess little vehicles for maneuver warfare, and instead, they were given transportation trucks based on the Opel Blitz model to get troops around the battlefield and to different locations, after which, these troops would be expected to dismount and dig in.

Because of this and the fact they possessed powerful but otherwise bulky weapons, meant that they can also be hard-pressed to carry out aggressive maneuvers, especially without Panzer support or proper mechanized vehicles.

But this increased their firepower in a static defensive line, while bulky, the men were able to make them mobile by either attaching a tripod on them to easily fold them up or by attaching wheels to push or drag them along.
This solved the small problem of being immobile and allowed them to rapidly pack up and redeploy at another defensive position.

However, these soldiers could also build basic defensive positions, such as digging small fox holes and trenches, planting mines, planting barbed wire, and generally making their defense as difficult to breach as possible for enemy forces.

All of this can be done within a short amount of time thanks to time their good compliment of entrenching tools, which allows them to fortify the perimeter within a matter of hours... Additionally, the fortifications themselves were not meant to be elaborate, rather the "defensive lines" are actually just hundreds of Fox holes and machine-gun nests connected to one another via trenches that were dug after the fox holes had been set up.

The trenches they built were not that deep, but deep enough to protect the soldiers as they knelt down or got on their bellies to shoot.
This provides a decent amount of cover for the troops against both bullets or laser bolts and to certain degree shrapnel from mortars.


However, Static Infantry is generally seen as poor or redundant units.
And as a result of this, they are never raised in significant numbers.

This is because regular Infantry Regiments can already fulfill much of the same roles as the Static Regiments, without sacrificing their mobility and offensive capabilities.

This is because Regular Infantry are expected to be suited for all military operations, offensive and defensive operations included.

As a result... The Kovenant typically did not raise that much, if indeed, any Static Infantry Regiments. Instead choosing to raise yet more regular Infantry Regiments as a better alternative.

Because of this, Static Infantry Regiments are an extremely rare sight and so obscure that no one had ever heard of them outside of a few vague mentions.

Regular Infantry regiments can be turned into Static ones if they lose all panzer and Hardware to the point that they are no longer capable of offensive operations, so, as a result, they will be reclassified as "Static Regiment" until they can be strengthened again, once their strength and equipment are back, they can return to their previous Regiment designation.

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