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[Identity recognised... Field Marshall Rudolf Von Manstein.
High ranking Field Marshall of the Wehrmacht and Head of the army known as 'Kommando West']

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[Battle report OM-888-7794 Found. Preparing... Ready for review]

[This unit is sorry to report that under the directive of Imperial high command. Most context had been redacted, and subsequently marked as classified information, leaving only the battle report itself]


The Battle of Cal-Dimroh.

War: Kovenant Invasion of the Orion Maze.

Date: November the 8th - 9th. Year 499 Millenium 51.

Enemy: The Electorate and the 79th Mon-kai Assault Core.

Imperial Units: 989th Vrinngrenadier Regiment, 87th Dominion Grenadier Regiment.

The battle for the world of Cal-Dimroh is one of the first significant enemy counterattacks during the initial phases of the war for the Orion Maze.

The Kovenant Invasion of the Orion Maze had been started when [Redacted] and after [Redacted]

This series of Kovenant victories in the Orion Maze had spurred a renewed campaign by order of [Redacted]
Which saw mass deployment of all available Kovenant Forces alongside Commonwealth troops and Novan Troops to begin the assault upon the [Redacted]

Thus, after such an offensive, the Electorate had chosen to stimy the Galactic wide offensive by the Kovenant Empire by launching their own counter attack upon the strategic world of Cal-Dimroh. This offensive operation was to be done by the 79th Mon-kai Assault Core. Numbering well over 200,000 soldiers.

"Mon-kai" being the local dialect for what roughly translates to "Double" or "Copy" however thr more meaningful translation would be "Clone"

General Information:

Electorate "Mon-kai" commonly translated a "Clones" are, as the name literally suggests, clones that were vat grown and trained from birth to fight for the Electorate. Essentially, little more than Slaves to a system that does not see them as sentient people, rather as mere tools... Yet to spite this, this Clones are remarkably loyal to the Electorate, primarily due to some form of brain therapy and information constraints that they had been placed under eversince birth.
Yet, this clones were also relatively equipped to an acceptable degree by Wehrmacht standards, however the soldiers seemingly lack any form of Light Machine Guns and rely purely upon energy Carbines which were semi-automatic, limiting their combat capabilities significantly.


The 79th Mon-kai Assault Core had been tasked with reclaiming the lost colony world of Cal-Dimroh from Kovenant forces. They had planned ahead of time, with the Electorate forces bringing along no less than 200 Enemy walkers, while the official translation is hard to determine, soldiers called them the "Spider beatle walkers" due to the fact that they had 6 legs and closely resembled something akin to a spider in terms of leg placement. Yet it was a bulbous fighting machine resembling more something like a beatle.

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