Good Things Never Last Forever- Duncan & Heather

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"Courtney, wait!" the unruly punk called out to hot tempered brunette as he flew down the stairs.

He had not mean to upset her, but her controlling my way or the high way attitude had finally got to him.

"Move it pipsqueak!" He shoved a short, skinny boy out of the way to reach the brunette.

Meanwhile, a raven haired girl stood in the corner of the room observing her peers in front of her.

She had not wanted to come to the party but was instead coaxed by her friend Lindsay who managed to leave her in the first five seconds they arrived to hang out with her gawk of a boyfriend.

Sighing, Heather took a swig of her punch. Unlike what most people thought of her, she had not been a drinker. Certainly, she had a few drinks here and there but being intoxicated wasn't her thing. Especially at parties like this.

She stared at the inebriated, lively teens in the living room, scrutinizing their every move as she stood alone.

Sure Heather had acquaintances, but she'd rather not be seen with Harold or Cody. Those nerdlings could destroy her already ruined status.

Heather managed to look up from the grinding to notice the agitated punk who stood a few feet away from her. The former C.I.T wiggled past the sweaty group of teens and made her way to the front door.

Duncan suspired in defeat. Closing his eyes, he listened to the voice inside his head. There's no use, man. He shook his head and dragged his sweaty palm down the front of his face.

Heather examined him slowly. She noticed his tense muscles, his tight, twisted face, and the beads of sweat that cascaded on his forehead. They were very prominent due to the lighting from above him.

Quickly brushing him off, she began to observe her classmates once again. Shifting from side to side on her phone, she shot glances at the delinquent who seemed to be getting closer and closer with every sway she took.

"Shit," a voice murmured as the red solo cup fell out of Heather's hands. The punch spilled out onto the floor.

"Watch where you're going!" Heather growled out scooping up the plastic container.

"I'm sorry it's just-" Heather looked up to meet with a familiar pair of teal eyes. "Heather?"

"Uh yeah, that's me," the raven girl mustered out inspecting her outfit. Luckily, the red drink had missed her dress.

"What are you doing here all alone, skippy?" the unlawful punk smirked at his former childhood friend.

Heather grimaced at the nickname. "I told you to stop calling me that," she grumbled.

Duncan and her hadn't talked much since the summer of freshman year. They had a fall out when him and Courtney tried to become a serious relationship during the break between school years. Since then, both teens found themselves on the opposite side of the spectrum.

"Oh come on doll, you used to love it when we were kids." Duncan nudged the provoked teen's side.

"Well we're not kids anymore, are we?" she snapped out.

"What's with the attitude, you're sounding like Court," he half laughed. His face instantly fell at the mention of her name.

"What happened between you and her?" Heather asked softly shutting her phone off.

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