The Reunion || Part 3- Courtney & Gwen

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"Courtney, it's so good to see you!" someone spoke in a clipped chipper as Courtney and Gwen stood next to each other on the red carpet. Heather strolled their way over to them and quickly pulled the brunette into a hug.

"Long time no see." Courtney looked over at her date who shrugged. Pulling away, Heather turned to Gwen.

"Gwen." She nodded with narrow eyes.

"Heather," Gwen acknowledged with a curled lip.

"How does it feel to see your fame shoot down after so many months of trying to uphold importance?" Heather tauntingly smirked.

"I think you already know the answer to that seeing that you still reek of cat butt." With disgust contorted on her face, Heather walked away in a huff.

"What is with that girl?" Leshawna asked, strutting her way over to the dark haired girl and brunette.

"What did you expect? She's not going to change any time soon with that rug still on her head." Leshawna and Gwen both joked around, cackling with each other about Heather's up-do.

Squawking, Leshawna placed her hand on Gwen's shoulder for support. Courtney couldn't help but feel a type of jealousy pain through her.

"She could at least find a newer wig. It's been over a year after all," Courtney spoke up, breaking the two girls fits of hysteria.

"Well girl, I should get talking to Harold." Leshawna wiped a tear from her eye looking over at the musician who stood with his band. "See you inside, yeah?"

"See ya!" Gwen waved and Leshawna walked off.

"Well I guess this isn't so bad as I thought it would be," Gwen said, admiring the red carpet. Her eyes caught with a pair of teal ones that stared back at her.

"Yeah." Courtney tried not to bare her teeth as she glanced around at her former cast mates.

Looking back at Courtney, Gwen took the brunette's hand.

"I'm really happy to be spending time with you, you know," she mumbled softly, rubbing her thumb against Courtney's knuckle. Courtney bit down on her lip and looked up at the goth.

"Me too."


The crew of teens (and Sierra) found themselves dozing off to the television screen that played the awards ceremony from the red carpet.

Chris McLean, their former host, and Chef Hatchet, his side kick, ended up closing the doors on the teens after revealing to them they were making a new season without the crabby kids starring.

Leaving them on the doormat of the awards building, they were left with nothing but shattered hopes and dreams of becoming famous again.

In spite of that, the cast stayed to find out it they were nominated for a Gemmie Award or not. Sitting out in the surprisingly warm night made the teens grow tiresome but they stayed on the red carpet nevertheless.

Only a few of the teens were awake including Izzy, Sierra, Noah, Gwen, Duncan, Eva, Geoff, and Heather. The rest were passed out peacefully on the red carpet.

"So you and Princess, huh?" a familiar voice asked as Gwen stood next to Leshawna's snoring body with crossed arms.

"We're trying to keep it on the down low," she told Duncan in a hushed tone as he approached her.

She was quite certain Duncan already knew about the two after he phoned her the day after Smoothie King to see how things went between the two girls. And she could trust him after their little meetup, he seemed to care for her which stuck with Gwen.

"And you suppose taking her as your date was doing just that?" he responded a bit harshly, gesturing over to the sleeping girl that was at the front of the group with Noah.

Gwen was a bit surprised at Duncan's demeanour. He normally didn't act like that at all, it was mostly Courtney who was a bit cut throat.

Was he jealous?

"What is up with you?"

Duncan shook his head, turning on his heel.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He tried to walk away from the goth but she quickly grasped onto his wrist before he could.

"Duncan, come on. Seriously." Duncan ripped his arm away from Gwen's pale hand glaring at her.

"It's nothing, Gwen."

Gwen stood in silence as Duncan stomped his way past her and to DJ's mom's bus that was in the parking lot.

She felt a tad bit guilty for his irked behaviour. Was she the reason for Duncan acting that way?

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