Chemistry and Confessions- Duncan, Bridgette, & Courtney

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Duncan nervously tapped his fingers on the lab table, stealing glances at Bridgette as she focused on their chemistry experiment.

The classroom was bustling with students communicating with their lab partners, but Duncan's attention was solely on the girl beside him. He had gained attraction for Courtney, the well known Type-A and class president which also happened to be Bridgette's best friend. Duncan couldn't help but wonder if Courtney and Bridgette ever talked about him.

Duncan had playfully bantered and teased Courtney since they met in grade school, but he never let his true feelings slip. He didn't want Bridgette to know about his infatuation; after all, she was dating Geoff, Duncan's best friend. Duncan hadn't even told Geoff about his feelings for his girlfriend's best friend.

As the bell rang and students piled out of the classroom, Duncan decided to approach Bridgette. He caught up with her just outside the classroom, where they could talk without attracting too much attention. After all, they were lab partners so students wouldn't think much of it anyways.

"Hey, Malibu," Duncan greeted her with a casual smile.

Bridgette turned to face him, her hazel eyes shining with warmth. "Hey, Duncan! What's up?"

Duncan scratched the back of his head, trying to appear nonchalant. "I've been meaning to ask you something. You know Courtney, right?"

Bridgette nodded, waving to Gwen, the resident goth who walked past them. "Yeah, we've been friends for a while now. Why do you ask?"

Duncan shrugged his shoulders, trying to mask his curiosity. "Oh, no reason. I've just noticed you and her have been hanging around lately, and I was wondering if she ever talks about me."

Bridgette raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Why? Are you interested in her?"

Duncan's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly regained his composure. "Princess? Nah," he played it off. "We've just had some interesting encounters, you know?"

Bridgette chuckled. "Yeah, I've seen you and Courtney exchange banter more than once. I think you enjoy pushing her buttons."

Duncan couldn't help but be proud of himself. "Maybe a little. But seriously, has she mentioned anything about me?"

Bridgette thought for a moment, her gaze drifting off into the distance. "Well, she has mentioned you once or twice, but mostly in passing. Nothing too significant."

Duncan's heart sank, but he forced a smirk. "Guess I'm not that memorable, huh?"

Bridgette playfully nudged him. "Oh, come on, Duncan. You're hard to forget. I mean, look at that green mohawk you've had on display since middle school. But Courtney's a tough nut to crack. She rarely opens up about her personal life."

Duncan nodded, his mind whirling with disappointment. "Yeah, I've noticed that too. She's always so guarded."

Just then, a group of their friends approached them, their voices filled with laughter. Courtney was among them, her presence causing Duncan's heart to race. He gave her a slight nod before turning his attention to DJ, one of his good buds.

As the group chatted and joked, Duncan found himself lost in his thoughts. He couldn't help but wonder if there was a chance for him to win Courtney's heart. Maybe he just needed to find the right way to approach her, to break through her tough exterior.

Bridgette, noticing Duncan's distraction, gently nudged him again with her elbow once the group departed. "Hey, don't sweat it. You'll figure it out. Just be yourself and see where it takes you."

Duncan glanced at Bridgette, a grateful smile forming on his lips. "Thanks, Bridgette. You surprisingly always know what to say."

She smiled back, her voice filled with affability. "That's what friends are for, right?"

Bridgette began to walk away to head to her next class, but before she was out of ear shot, she added, "And I'll make sure to put in a good word for you."

Duncan sent her a genuine smile and a thumbs up. He couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

Maybe, just maybe, he would be able to win the Type A's heart.

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