Inked Secrets- Duncan & Heather

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Heather had reached her breaking point. The constant mindless chatter from Lindsay, her airheaded best friend, had finally pushed her over the edge. Frustrated, she stormed out of the crowded lunchroom, her wedges clicking against the floor.

Outside, the cool autumn breeze brushed against Heather's face, providing a momentary relief from the chaos inside. Leaning against a brick wall, she tried to calm her racing thoughts. As she took a deep breath, she noticed a figure sitting a few feet away, pencil scratching against paper.

It was Duncan, the notorious bad boy of Wawanakwa High. Heather's eyes narrowed as she watched him, intrigued by his sudden vulnerability. She had never seen him like this before, his guard seemingly down as he poured his creativity onto the pages of that worn-down sketchbook.

Curiosity piqued, Heather cautiously approached Duncan. "What's so interesting in that sketchbook?" she asked, her voice a mix of annoyance and genuine curiosity.

Duncan's head snapped up, his teal eyes wide with surprise. He quickly closed the sketchbook, attempting to hide his artwork. "None of your business," he spat, his usual defensive tone returning.

Heather's curiosity turned into determination. She couldn't let this opportunity slip away. "Oh, come on. I know you're hiding something. Let me see."

Duncan hesitated, his guard wavering for a moment. He sighed and reluctantly handed the sketchbook over to Heather. "Just don't laugh, okay?" he muttered, a hint of embarrassment tainting his voice.

Heather flipped through the pages, her eyes widening with each intricate design she encountered. The sketches were filled with stunningly detailed tattoos, each one unique and captivating. She couldn't help but be impressed.

"These are amazing," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "I never knew a delinquent like you could be so artistic. Why have you been hiding this talent?"

Duncan shrugged, his earlier defensiveness replaced with vulnerability. "It's just something I do, you know? It's not like people would understand or appreciate it."

Heather's competitive nature kicked in, a mischievous smile forming on her lips. "Well, Duncan, I won't tell anyone about your hidden talent. But in return, I want something."

Duncan raised his pierced eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Heather's proposition. "And what's that?"

"I want to see more of your tattoo drawings," Heather declared, her eyes gleaming with genuine interest as she stuck out her hand. "But it stays between you and me, got it?"

Duncan's eyes widened in surprise, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He clasped onto Heather's hand, giving it a firm shake. "You're actually interested in my art? Well, looks like we've got ourselves a deal."


Heather stood outside Duncan's house, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had agreed to visit his place to see more of his hidden artistic talent, a secret he had entrusted to her. It was a risky move, considering their reputations in high school, but curiosity and genuine interest had gotten the better of her.

Taking a deep breath, Heather knocked on the door. Moments later, it swung open to reveal Duncan, leaning casually against the frame. His messy hair and rugged attire gave off an air of rebellion, but his teal eyes held a hint of amusement as he looked at her.

"Queenie," he greeted with a smirk, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Didn't think you'd actually show up."

Heather rolled her eyes, refusing to let his taunts get to her. "Don't get too excited. I'm only here to see if the rest of your drawings are as impressive as you claim."

Duncan raised an eyebrow, stepping aside to allow her entry. "Well, you're about to find out, aren't you?"

As Heather stepped into his house, she took in her surroundings. The walls were adorned with charming family photos and beautiful artwork, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

They made their way up the stairs, Heather following Duncan to his room. Upon entering, she was greeted by a sight that took her breath away. The room was a juxtaposition of chaos and creativity. Sketches and drawings covered every available surface, showcasing Duncan's undeniable talent.

Heather walked around, her eyes scanning each piece with awe. The sketches were filled with intricate details and emotions, capturing the essence of each subject. There were drawings of fierce animals, serene landscapes, and even some abstract pieces that seemed to reflect Duncan's inner turmoil.

"You really are something, Duncan," Heather whispered, her voice filled with true respect. "You've got a gift."

Duncan shrugged, a hint of vulnerability creeping into his eyes. "It's just something I do to escape the chaos of this world, you know? It's my way of finding peace."

Heather nodded, understanding his sentiment. "Well, you've definitely found something special. These sketches are captivating, Duncan. They deserve to be seen."

Duncan's lips curled into a small smile, a mix of gratitude and surprise. "Thanks, Queenie. I appreciate that."

As they continued exploring the room, their banter returned, their playful insults mingling with natural conversation. Duncan shared stories behind some of his drawings, and Heather couldn't help but be drawn further into his world.

Hours passed in a blur as they lost themselves in the artwork and each other's company. Heather found herself feeling more comfortable around Duncan, realizing that beneath the tough exterior, there was actually a sensitive and talented artist.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow through the window, Heather turned to face Duncan. "You know, Duncan, you should consider showcasing your art. People would be blown away by your talent."

Duncan chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes. "Maybe one day, Queenie. But for now, it's our little secret, right?"

Heather smiled. "I suppose. But tough guy, I do have a favor to ask."

Duncan raised an eyebrow, his smirk returning. "Oh, really? And what might that be?"

Heather leaned in, her voice low and mischievous. "You're going to teach me how to draw. I want to learn from the best."

Duncan's laughter filled the room, the sound surprisingly melodic. "Alright, Queenie. Let's do it."

And so, in that small room filled with sketches and hidden aspirations, an unlikely friendship was forged.

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