From Victim To Victor- Harold & Duncan

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Duncan's mischievous grin widened as he watched Harold struggle to juggle his books while his backpack slipped off his shoulder. The feud between them had been simmering since their kindergarten days, and Duncan took great pleasure in tormenting his hapless neighbor. Pranks were his specialty, and Harold always seemed to be at the receiving end.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the class. Duncan's eyes lit up as he reached into his bag and pulled out a small remote control. He glanced over at Geoff, his best friend, who sat beside him. "Get ready for this, Geoff," Duncan whispered, an impudent glint in his teal eyes.

Geoff raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What are you scheming now, my man?"

Duncan smirked and activated the remote control. A lifelike spider scuttled out from under Harold's desk and onto Harold's lap. Harold let out a high-pitched scream, leaping onto his chair in a frenzy.

Laughter filled the classroom as Harold's face turned crimson. Embarrassed and humiliated, he buried his face in his hands, feeling the warmth spreading down his legs. The worst fear he had always dreaded came true - he had peed his pants in front of his peers.

Duncan couldn't contain his laughter, thoroughly enjoying the outcome of his prank. But as the laughter subsided, Geoff leaned in closer, a concerned expression on his face. "Hey, man, I love a good prank as much as anyone, but I think you might've gone a little too far this time. It's important to consider the impact on others."

Duncan's confident demeanor wavered for a moment, and he glanced at Harold, who had stomped on the spider and hurried away. He sighed, feeling a twinge of uncertainty creeping over him.

DJ chimed in from behind Geoff, his voice filled with empathy. "Duncan, I know pranks are fun, but Harold's a good guy. Maybe it's time to ease up a bit."

Duncan's gaze hardened, but a flicker of contemplation crossed his face. "You think so?"

Geoff nodded, understanding both sides of the situation. "I get it, pranks are a blast, but we gotta be mindful of where to draw the line. It's about finding a balance."

Duncan took a deep breath, lost in his own thoughts. He realized that there might be some truth to what his friends were saying, but he didn't want to admit it.

"Whatever, man," Duncan scoffed, resting his converse on the desk.

Meanwhile, Harold seethed with anger and humiliation. He had endured years of Duncan's relentless pranks, always retaliating with big words or simply ignoring him. But this time, Duncan had crossed a line. Harold knew he had to come up with a plan, something that would finally put an end to Duncan's torment.

Days turned into weeks, and Harold worked tirelessly on his elaborate revenge scheme. He sought the help of other victims that also wanted to see justice served.

Together, they gathered embarrassing photos and videos of Duncan, meticulously planning how to expose his secrets and bring him down. The tension in the air was palpable as they worked through the details, ensuring that their prank would leave a lasting impact.

Finally, they had gathered all the necessary evidence while ensuring that no one else would discover Harold's intentions. Harold knew the element of surprise was crucial for maximum impact, so he decided to release all the videos and photos during a unsuspecting moment in class.

As the day arrived, Harold's heart raced with anticipation. He anxiously sat in his classroom, waiting for the perfect opportunity to unveil his master plan. Duncan, oblivious to what was about to unfold, was engrossed in watching the daily school announcements along with his classmates. Sierra, the school reporter, appeared on the screen, ready to share the latest news.

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