The Mannequin Mishap- Duncan & Courtney

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This story also has Jude, Jonesy, and Nikki from 6teen in here! It's set in an alternate universe where Courtney and Duncan are friends with the group at the Galleria Mall.

"So what's on the agenda today, D-man?" Jonesy asked, leaning back in his chair with a casual air.

The gang sat in their usual spots in front of the Big Squeeze, ready for another day of adventure and mischief at the Galleria Mall.

"Well, I was thinking we could stir up some trouble with a little pranking action," Duncan replied, his teal eyes glinting mischievously.

"Oh sweet, dude!" Jude exclaimed, setting down his drink. "Count me in!"

"You guys and your pranks. I'm in too, but only because I know I can outsmart Ron if needed," Nikki chimed in from her seat next to Jonesy.

Courtney, with her arms tightly crossed, caught everyone's attention. "No way!" she exclaimed, shaking her head vigorously. "I can't afford to cause any disturbances, especially when I'm applying to jobs here at the mall."

Duncan chuckled. "Oh, come on! Don't be such a buzzkill, Courtney. It's just a harmless prank. We're not going to rob a bank or anything."

"Yeah, it's just a bit of fun," Nikki added. "Besides, Ron is going to be too busy munching on donuts to catch us."

"Where's your sense of adventure, babe?" Duncan teased, a smirk tugging at his lips.

Courtney rolled her eyes but couldn't help feeling a twinge of temptation. She had always admired Duncan's rebellious spirit, and a small part of her yearned to experience that thrill for herself, even if just for a moment.

"Fine," she finally relented, letting out a heavy sigh. "But if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming you."

"That's the spirit!" Duncan exclaimed, patting Courtney's shoulder before leaning in to share the plan.


Moving stealthily from store to store, the group giggled like schoolchildren as they carefully swapped mannequins, creating a bizarre mismatch of fashion styles that would surely bewilder the unsuspecting customers.

Approaching a crowded area of the mall, Duncan, grinning from ear to ear, whispered, "Alright, guys, this is it. On the count of three, we swap the mannequins. Ready?"

Nods of agreement echoed through the group as they silently counted down before executing their plan with precision. In a whirlwind of movement, they swapped mannequins, stifling their laughter as they imagined the bewildered reactions of the passing shoppers.

But in their haste, disaster struck. Duncan accidentally knocked over a delicate display, triggering a domino effect of falling merchandise. The sound of crashing objects filled the air, followed by startled screams and gasps from the shoppers.

"Duncan!" Courtney whispered, her eyes widening as chaos erupted at the Galleria Mall.

"Yikes, dude," Jude let out a nervous chuckle.

Panic washed over the group as they surveyed the unintended chaos they had caused. Desperately, they scrambled to pick up the scattered items, attempting to restore some semblance of order. But their efforts were in vain as Ron the Rent a Cop appeared, his imposing figure casting a shadow over them.

"Do you think pranks like this are funny, huh?" Ron grumbled, his voice filled with stern authority. He glared at the group, arms crossed over his chest. "Well, you're about to learn a lesson today. You're all spending the rest of the day in the mall's holding cell."

Courtney's eyes widened in disbelief, while Duncan tried to hide a smirk. He had expected trouble, but he didn't think they would actually end up in the mall jail. Yet, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement, knowing that he was the catalyst behind Courtney's unexpected behaviour.


Inside the cramped holding cell, Courtney seethed with anger. "I can't believe you talked me into this, Duncan! This is all your fault!" she spat out, her hands clenching into fists.

Duncan leaned against the holding cell's wall, his expression nonchalant. "Relax, princess. It's not the end of the world. We'll be out of here soon enough."

Courtney huffed, crossing her arms. "Oh yeah. Easy for you to say. You've been in trouble more times than I can count. This is new to me!"

"Hey, Courtney, lighten up! We're not really in trouble, it's just a temporary inconvenience," Jonesy chimed in, unfazed by their predicament.

Jude nodded in agreement from Jonesy's side, munching on a hot dog he had somehow smuggled into the cell. "Yeah, dudette. We were just having a little fun. No harm done."

No harm done? Courtney had thought. Duncan nearly wiped out the whole store with his clumsiness!

"Courtney, I know you like to play by the rules, but sometimes you have to let loose and enjoy life," Nikki said to the brunette. "It's not always about avoiding trouble."

Courtney glared at her friends, still upset but starting to see their point. Maybe she had been too uptight, too focused on following the rules.

As the day wore on, the group laughed and shared stories, reminiscing about their previous misadventures in the mall's holding cell. Courtney found her anger slowly fading away as she sat down on the cold bench, listening to their tales.

The sound of keys jingling interrupted Jonesy's retelling of their most outrageous prank yet. Ron appeared at the cell door, unlocking it and motioning for them to follow. "The mall is closing," Ron muttered gruffly. "I hope you all learned your lesson."

As the group walked towards the mall's exit, Courtney turned to Duncan, a newfound spark of mischief in her eyes as she began to laugh.

Nikki and Jude exchanged glances, surprised by the melody of Courtney's laughter.

"Okay, Duncan," Courtney said through her chuckles. "I'll admit, that was quite exhilarating! So...what's next on our list of harmless pranks?"

Duncan grinned, wrapping an arm around Courtney's shoulder. "I knew you'd come around eventually, princess. Hear that, everybody? Court wants to pull another prank!"

The group erupted into cheers, and Courtney couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. She couldn't believe she was actually starting to enjoy the thrill of breaking the rules. It was liberating in a way Courtney had never experienced before. The day had turned out to be more than just a prank gone wrong; it had opened her eyes to a side of herself she had long suppressed.

The group's laughter echoed through the empty mall, fading into the distance as the sun set on the horizon. They walked off into the night, ready to create more unforgettable memories, share more infectious laughter, and embrace the thrill of breaking the rules.

After all, life was too short to always play by the book.

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