The Hike- Courtney, Duncan, & Trent

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As she stopped to catch her breath, she looked back at the trail she had just climbed. It was steep and rocky, and she had nearly given up halfway through. But then she thought of Duncan, and how he had always encouraged her to push herself, to never give up.

She smiled, feeling grateful for his friendship, and for the memories they had shared. They had gone on countless hikes together, exploring the wilderness and challenging each other to be their best selves.

But now, as she looked back at the trail, she realized that she had climbed it alone. Courtney had moved across the country for University, and they had lost touch over the years. She missed him terribly, and wished he could be there with her, to share in the beauty of the mountain.

Courtney took a deep breath, feeling a sense of determination wash over her. If Duncan could climb mountains, so could she. She set her sights on the summit, and began to climb.

"You can do this, Courtney," she whispered to herself, wiping the sweat from her forehead. "Just a little bit further."

"Need a hand?" a voice called out from behind her. She turned to see a black haired, green eyed man with a friendly smile.

"Thanks, but I'm good," she replied, feeling a sense of pride that she had made it this far on her own.

The man nodded, and they continued climbing in silence. She could feel the tension in her muscles, the burn in her lungs, and the sweat dripping down her back. But she also felt a sense of exhilaration, knowing that she was pushing herself to her limits.

As they reached a flat section of the trail, the man turned to her and said, "You know, this is a tough climb. Most people give up halfway."

"I almost did," Courtney admitted, a little relieved that she wasn't the only one struggling.

"But you didn't," he said, his green eyes shining with admiration. "You kept going. That's what makes you strong."

She smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with this stranger. They continued to climb, chatting about their lives and sharing stories. She learned that his name was Trent, that he was a musician, and that he loved hiking in his free time.

They reached the summit just as the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape. Courtney felt a sense of awe and proudness wash over her, as if she were standing on top of the world. Duncan would be so proud of her.

"Wow," the brunette breathed, taking out her phone. She snapped a photo of the view, sending it to Duncan with a message that said, "Wish you were here." She knew he would smile when he saw it.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Trent said, standing beside Courtney.

"It really is," she agreed, appreciative that she had made it this far.

The two hikers sat down on a nearby rock, watching as the sky turned from orange to pink to purple.

Courtney felt peace wash over her, knowing that she had accomplished something great, and that she had made a new friend along the way.

As they began their descent, Courtney turned to Trent and said, "You know, I almost didn't come on this hike today. I was feeling down, and I didn't think I could do it."

"But you did," Trent pointed out, smiling at her. "And that's what matters. Sometimes we have to push ourselves, even when we don't feel like it."

She nodded, letting his words sink in. They continued to hike down the trail, chatting and laughing along the way.

Courtney's heart was buoyant, and she knew that she had made a new friend who understood her struggles.

As they reached the parking lot, Trent turned to her and said, "Hey, do you want to grab a drink sometime? I know a great bar down the road."

Courtney smiled, excitement rushing through her veins at the thought of hanging out with him again.

"Sure, that sounds great," Courtney responded.

They exchanged numbers, and Courtney drove home, pleased with the outcome of the hike. She had accomplished something great today, and even though Courtney couldn't share this fullfilling moment with Duncan, she was grateful that she had made a new friend who is just as supportive as Duncan was.

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