Last Night- Courtney & Gwen

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Guys I haven't wrote in forever!! But here's this short. Sorry if it isn't like my other stories. I'm burnt out from school, and I haven't been able to sit down and free write in so long!!

Gwen and Courtney had been best friends since they met each other in kindergarten. Despite their differences, they kept close to each other. However, lately, things had started to feel different for both girls.

One night, after a party hosted by Geoff, one of their friends from high school, they found themselves sharing a bed in Courtney's room. Gwen passed out almost immediately, taking up the entire bed. Courtney attempted to reach for the blanket Gwen was wrapped in, but Gwen was using it all.

Courtney sighed and tried to scoot closer to Gwen, hoping to steal some of the blanket (which was hers). But Gwen was dead weight, and she didn't budge. Courtney looked at her, admiring the way her blue streaked hair fell across her face, and the way her chest rose and fell with each breath. She had always thought Gwen was beautiful, but she never  had the courage to tell her.

Suddenly, Gwen stirred, and she rolled over, taking the blanket with her. Gwen groaned, feeling the cold air on her shivering skin. She looked at Logan, who was now snoring softly, and she couldn't help but smile. Gwen was so adorable when she slept.

Courtney tried to get comfortable, but it was no use. She was freezing, and she was starting to feel a little restless. The brunette looked at Gwen again, and he wondered if she should wake her up. But Courtney didn't want to disturb her. The goth looked so peaceful.

Courtney sighed and closed her eyes, trying to relax. But her mind was racing, and she couldn't stop thinking about Gwen. She had always had a crush on her, but she always struggled confessing her feelings to Gwen. Courtney didn't want to risk ruining their friendship, either.

Courtney opened her eyes again, and she looked at Gwen. She was still asleep, and she was still taking up the entire bed. Courtney giggled to herself, shaking her head. She couldn't stay mad at Gwen, even if she was hogging the blanket.

Suddenly, Gwen stirred again, and she mumbled something in her sleep. Courtney couldn't make out what she was saying, but she smiled anyway. She loved the sound of Gwen's voice, even if it was just a mumble.

Courtney closed her eyes again, and she tried to focus on his breathing. She was starting to feel a little drowsy, and she hoped he could fall asleep soon.

But just as she was about to drift off, Gwen spoke again. This time, her voice was clear, and Courtney could hear every word.

"I love you, Courtney," she said softly.

Courtney's brown eyes shot open, and she looked at Gwen in shock. Courtney couldn't believe what she had just heard.

Gwen was still asleep, and she had no idea what she had just said. But Courtney couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, she felt the same way she did.

Courtney lay there for a few more minutes, trying to process her thoughts. She didn't want to ruin their friendship, but she couldn't ignore her feelings anymore.

Finally, she made a swift decision. She leaned over and kissed Gwen gently on her cold forehead, hoping she wouldn't wake up. Then the brunette closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, feeling more confused than ever.

The next morning, Courtney woke up to find Gwen surprisingly already dressed and ready to go. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, scrolling through her phone.

"Morning, sleepyhead," she said with a smile.

Courtney sat up, feeling a little groggy. She looked at Gwen, wondering if she remembered what she had said the night before.

"Did you sleep okay?" Courtney asked while smoothing her hair out, trying to sound casual.

Gwen nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I slept great. How about you?"

Courtney shrugged, biting her lip. "I guess I slept okay."

Gwen looked at her, sensing that something was off. "What's wrong?"

Courtney took a deep breath, shaking her head. "Gwen, I need to tell you something."

Gwen put down her phone and gave Courtney her full attention. "Okay, what is it?"

Courtney hesitated, feeling her heart racing. She encouraged herself to muster up the words she's been wanting to tell Gwen for years. "I...I think I'm in love with you."

Gwen's dark eyes widened, and she looked at Courtney in shock. "What? Courtney, we're just friends."

Courtney swallowed, feeling embarrassment rise to her cheeks. "I know, but I can't help how I feel. I've been trying to ignore it, but last night, when you said you loved me..."

Gwen interrupted her. "Courtney, I was asleep. I don't even remember saying that."

Courtney sighed, running a hand through her shiny brown hair. "I know, but I can't stop thinking about it. I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I can't keep pretending that I don't have feelings for you."

Gwen looked at the defeated girl, her expression softening. "Courtney, I care about you a lot. You're one of my closest friends. But I don't feel the same way you do."

Courtney felt a pang of disappointment, but he wasn't surprised. She had expected Gwen to reject her. Courtney knew she wasn't Gwen's type, anyways.

"I understand," Courtney uttered. "I just had to tell you how I feel."

Gwen reached out and took the brunette's hand. "I'm glad you did. And I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."

Courtney slowly nodded, feeling a little better. "It's okay. I just needed to get it off my chest."

Gwen sadly smiled at her. "So what now? Are we still friends?"

"Of course. I don't want to lose you over this," Courtney responded.

Gwen squeezed her best friend's hand. "Good. Because you mean a lot to me, too."

Courtney felt a bit relieved that Gwen wasn't mad at her, but she couldn't help but feel ashamed of herself.

Courtney slowly smiled, glancing up from her lap. "Thanks, Gwen. I'm glad we can talk about stuff like this."

Gwen grinned, patting Courtney's hand slightly. "Me too. Now come on, let's go get breakfast. I'm starving."

Courtney laughed and got out of bed, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders. She knew that things wouldn't be the same between her and Gwen, but she was glad that they were still friends.

As they walked to Courtney's kitchen, Courtney couldn't help but think about what might have been. But she knew that she had made the right choice by telling Gwen how he felt. And who knows? Maybe someday, she would feel the same way. But for now, she was happy just being her friend.

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