Lost In His Own Thoughts- Tyler

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"Where do you think we'll travel to first? Oh I hope it's Paris! I love Paris!" Lindsay rambled in the seat next to the brown haired jock, babbling about the cute little shopping bags and the city of love.

"You know, us being in Paris only means one thing!" the cheery girl continued, her bright eyes sparkling with joy.

"Yeah I love-"

"Shopping!" Lindsay interrupted the boy, clasping her hands together. Tyler let out a small sigh as he listened to his girlfriend talk.

"I'll make sure to get a cute outfit for you and then you can hold those cute little bags when you go shopping in France and then..." the blonde continued to prattle despite Tyler's social interaction coming to a cease.

The teens and the rest of the competitors were on the bus heading towards the plane, aka their new home for the next few months. After roping up the teens into the new season, Chris was set out to make their third season the most memorable which included singing for high ratings.

Tyler didn't mind having to sing but he was more focused on being in the game then anything. After getting booted from the first season fairly earlier and not making it into the second, Tyler's popularity wasn't tampered with while the others grew. Even Zeke, the boy who got voted off in the first episode, got more play than him.

Tyler wanted this season to be his season. He never got the chance to shine like the rest. The only popularity he did gain was when him and Lindsay were caught making out in the communal washrooms back at Camp Wawanakwa. Even then, it still wasn't enough attention to make him feel like the main character.

Although he wanted to be one, he knew deep down the producers would never let him have his time like Heather, Courtney, Gwen, or Duncan. He was stuck being a boring side character that got shoved to back of the shelf with no intentions of usage, but silently he prayed that someone would notice him and pull him out of the dark area.

The bus soon pulled up the the runway and one by one the teens got off, being introduced by the host.

Once he heard Ezekiel announcing his presence (to the disappointment of Chris), Tyler stood up from his seat knowing that he was soon to be introduced with Bridgette like they were informed on before they got onto the bus.

"Also returning this season, Tyler!" The jock struck out a pose as he got to the bottom stair. When went to step off, he tumbled over Ezekiel's shoe and landed on top of him and Izzy.

"And the co-host of Total Drama Aftermath, Bridgette." The blonde ended up falling on top of the rest of the small jumble and they all groaned in pain.

"Yo Chris, you forgot to introduce me!" Ezekiel spoke up as Tyler's headband slanted to the side. He looked at the homeschool boy with resentment in his eyes.

How did this kid end up having a bigger fan base then me? Tyler wondered to himself as Chris sighed in regret, introducing the two new competitors that Tyler had briefly met before at the set of Total Drama Action.

"And now to mix things up a little to keep it all fresh, we're adding two new competitors. He's an honour roll student with a diplomat for a dad, and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species, Alejandro!"

The back of Tyler soon felt lighter as a shadow hovered over his body.

"Perhaps I could exist?" he heard the voice who lingered over him say along with the mumbles of the two girls who were once on him.

With a wretched face, Tyler looked up at the tanned teen.

"And bromigos, please. Allow me." Hesitantly, Tyler grabbed ahold of Alejandro's arm which pulled him up.

Locking eyes with the boy, he felt a wave of intense emotion wash over him.

No other person on the show would've helped him like what Alejandro just did. Would they have of?

When he was doing his fear challenge, his team ridiculed him instead of consoling him like he wished they would. When he got tangled up in his yo-yo no one bothered to unwrap him, not even his girlfriend who followed him inside the bathrooms. But lucky for him that day, one thing led to another.

He felt at ease with this fresh figure in front of him. Normally, Tyler didn't care to meet new people, he always considered them to be harsh critics from what he had experienced before. But Alejandro, he was different.

Would it be Alejandro that would pull Tyler out of the shelf? Would he be the one to put him to good use?

Tyler's mind wandered as he looked at the teen in front of him. Realizing his hands were still on the boy and he was ogling him for too long, he quickly pulled away.

"I-I like girls," Tyler stammered out. Did I just say that?

Tyler quickly scolded himself in his head as he scanned Alejandro who kept a firm sight on him.

His mind brought him to a place where him and Alejandro sat next to each other in the plane, laughing. No one else bothered him and he felt like he was genuinely on top of the world.

Trying to snap out of it, Tyler focused on Alejandro again who moved closer to him, if that was even possible.

"Tyler is it?" he asked holding up a bag. "I think this may be yours."

Tyler flushed. He was lost in his imagination for too long that he didn't realize Alejandro stood before him still.

"Uh... thanks." Tyler grabbed the bag from Alejandro's hands. The tan boy nodded and sent the jock a warm, reassuring smile.

Tyler sighed, watching him go greet the other girls who were already introduced.

Was it wrong for Tyler to feel confused about what just happened? Sure Lindsay was his gal and he loved her more than anything but he wasn't sure what it was about that chiseled, charm of a man that made him want to get to know Alejandro more.

Was Tyler envious of him? Was he intrigued by his good nature or was there something else that the brunette didn't know about yet that made him lost in his own thoughts?

He could only wait to find out.

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