The Student Body President Campaign- Courtney

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this one is longer than the other ones because it's split up into five parts, just combined into one chapter. (i'll probably start doing this from now on to save myself some editing time). also some of courtney's thoughts may not be italicized because wattpad kept glitching and i'm too lazy to fix it


"You have to be kidding me right now!" a hot headed Courtney screeched, ripping off one of the papers off of the bulletin board.

"What's wrong? Oh wait, I don't care," Heather responded plainly as she typed away on her phone next to the erratic brunette.

"Noah's running for student body president!?" Courtney exclaimed to her cheerleading captain as she gripped onto one of Noah's campaign papers.

Noah started his campaign before mine!? How is that possible?

"Oh, don't act so shocked." Heather rolled her eyes, still glued to her phone. "He's been talking about running since grade school."

Courtney seethed. She needed this position, badly.

"B-but I'm running for president! Noah can't just do that, it's my thing!" Courtney blustered out, crumpling up Noah's paper in a fit of anger. "I was a former C.I.T. I've been preparing and—"

"Well Courtney, it's his thing, too," the Asian cut off her comrade, looking up from her device. "You're just going to have to deal with it and run against him."

Deal with it? Courtney thought, anger fuelling her up by the second.

"But is he going to school to become a successful lawyer? No!" the brunette stammered out, crossing her arms in a fit of protest.

Heather went back to scrolling through her phone, exhibiting an annoyed expression.

"What do a lawyer and class president even have in common?" Heather questioned, swiftly walking away from Courtney as the teens of Wawanakwa High piled into the school building.

"Leadership!" Courtney called out, following the tall Asian to her locker.

"I should've never asked," Heather muttered to herself, slipping her phone into the back pocket of her khaki shorts.

Heather understood that Courtney loved to campaign and be in charge, everyone did. But she also knew that her newfound reputation could greatly affect her chances of winning.

"It'll look so good on my college applications, Heather. You don't understand. I need to get this position in order to get into a good school," Courtney whined, leaning against the lockers as Heather put her combo in.

"Don't care," the raven haired girl voiced, stuffing her cheerleading bag into her locker before pulling out some lip gloss.

"Of course you don't," Courtney grumbled under her breath.

Heather's eyes quickly flashed over to an agitated Courtney as she adjusted the mirror on her locker. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she felt a tad bit bad for the adamant teen.

"Look, you're a smart girl," Heather began with a sharp breath, staring at Courtney's reflection through the mirror. "But you can't expect to win after what happened. You have a reputation within your peers now, and it isn't exactly good."

Courtney swallowed a lump of guilt as her face grew hot. An image of teal eyes soon popped up in her head, but she shook it off.

"But that was in the past, Heather. I've matured," Courtney quickly spoke out, pushing down her negative memories. "And it's not like my name is really being dragged in the yours. You have such a worse reputation than me!"

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