Green Jello- Duncan & Courtney

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Courtney was walking down the hallway of Wawanakwa high school when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Hey, Court!" Duncan called out, jogging to catch up with her. "What's up, Princess?"

"Nothing much," Courtney replied shortly, pulling out her jello cup from her bag. "Just heading to class. You're not here to ask me to do your homework again, are you?"

"You caught me," Duncan sighed, raising his hands up in a joking manner.

As they walked down the hallway together, Duncan noticed the red jello cup in Courtney's hand.

"Red jello?" Duncan snickered, wrinkling his nose.

"It's just jello." Courtney gave the punk an eye roll, holding up the container for him to see.

Truth be told, Courtney despised green jello. Although she hadn't had it since elementary school, she never wanted to try it again.

"I can see that," Duncan said, returning the eye roll. "But red? Don't you know that green jello is the best kind?"

Courtney laughed, opening up her container. She spent so much time studying in the library that she had missed lunch.

"I don't know about that, Duncan," Courtney told the green haired boy. "Green jello reminds me of disgusting, jiggly snot."

Duncan shook his head. "You're missing out, Court. Green jello is where it's at. You should try it sometime."

The punk nudged Courtney's shoulder as she departed to her classroom.

"I'll take your word for it," Courtney said from the entrance of her classroom, grinning at him.


The next day, Duncan entered the lunch room, expecting to see Courtney sitting with a few of her cheer friends. However, when he approached her usual lunch table, her seat was empty.

"Where's Courtney?" The punk questioned, gesturing to the vacant spot.

"She's studying," Heather, the cheer captain, responded plainly. She scrolled through her phone, eating a salad. "Now beat it, Juvie."

"You know, she hasn't sat with us in a few days," Lindsay piped up. "Do you think she went missing?"

"She has a final coming up in her AP class," Beth told the blonde. "She's most likely in the library."

"Thanks losers." Duncan saluted the trio, heading out of the lunch room.

"Someone has a crush," Beth muttered, causing Lindsay and her to giggle in their seats.

Duncan walked inside the library, seeing Courtney at a table in the corner. Surrounding her were a pile of books and notes.

"Hey princess," the punk greeted his friend, hovering over her.

"What do you want, Duncan?" Courtney asked harshly, not looking up from her textbook. "I'm trying to study."

"I can see that." The green haired boy reached inside his backpack. "But, I have a proposal."

Courtney peeked behind her Biology textbook to see two cups of jello and a smirk.

"Green jello!?" Courtney exclaimed, slamming her book down. "Ugh! You came here to show me you got green jello?"

Duncan slid in the seat next to her, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Actually, I came here to see if you wanted to have a jello eating contest."

"I'll pass," the brunette muttered, picking up her textbook again. Duncan grabbed it out of her hands and tossed it behind him.

"Hey! Do you realize how much that book was worth!?" Courtney whisper yelled, eyes darting to the book behind Duncan.

She had paid a pretty heavy price for that book, and she was planning on selling it after she was finished. However, with damage, she wouldn't have gotten the money she wanted.

"Relax, princess. You need a break," Duncan said, sliding Courtney a cup of jello and a spoon.

"I need to study for my exam," Courtney responded, pushing the cup back towards Duncan.

"Oh c'mon, Court," Duncan complained, handing her the cup again. "You've been in here studying every day this week. You need to relax."

Courtney snorted. "I don't need to relax."

Duncan raised his brows, motioning to the brunette's clenched fists. Courtney quickly swallowed, flattening her hands out against the table.

"Okay fine. I've been a bit stressed," Courtney admitted. "But a green jello eating contest? Why couldn't you have picked red jello?"

"I told you green jello is the best kind," Duncan replied, opening up his cup.

"No it isn't." Courtney shuddered, a flashback of seven years old Courtney eating green jello resurfacing. "Look, I really need to get back to studying."

"Courtney..." Duncan whined, pouting. "Please? For me?"

Courtney rolled her eyes, letting out a sigh. "What's in it for me?"

Duncan gave Courtney a smile, opening up her jello container. "Well, if I win, I get your phone number. If you win, I'll stop asking you to do my Algebra homework, and I won't make you eat green jello ever again," he told her.

"No way!" Courtney shouted, getting shushed by the librarian. She lowered her voice, her eyebrows lowering. "That's totally unreasonable!"

"It's a fair deal, Princess," Duncan said, pushing the cup towards her. "Are you afraid you can't handle it?"

Courtney seethed, brushing her notes to the side. "I can handle anything!"

"Prove it then."

Courtney snatched up the spoon and held onto the container of jello. She couldn't let Duncan win and rub it in her face for the rest of high school.

Courtney was a competitive person, and she won everything she was in. From winning the second grade spelling bee to the middle school science fair, Courtney had a plethora of awards, trophies, and certifications that showed her vying ways.

"Oh, you're on!" Courtney declared. Duncan nodded, grabbing his own container.

"Thought so."

The teens counted down before they dove into their containers of jello. They hammered down the green dessert, not making eye contact with each other.

"Finished!" Courtney cheered, slamming the container down to the ground. She jumped up from her seat triumphantly. "Yes!"

She looked down to see Duncan licking his fingers clean.

"You beat me?" she barely squeaked out as Duncan lifted his arms behind his head.

"What can I say, green jello is where it's at," Duncan shrugged carelessly, placing his legs on the table.

As much as Courtney didn't want to admit it, green jello actually didn't taste that bad. It was honestly better than the red jello she normally ate. Courtney would never admit it to Duncan, though. He would never live it down.

"Now where's my prize?" Duncan smirked.

"Ugh..." Courtney groaned out, slouching back in her seat. She ripped a piece of paper out of her notebook and neatly scribbled her number on the page.

"Here." She handed the paper over to Duncan.

"Thanks, Princess," Duncan said, getting up from his seat. "Same time next week we can have another contest. That'll give you enough time to get some practice in."

As the bell rang, and Duncan walked towards the library door, Courtney called out to him.

"The green jello didn't taste that good, anyways! I would've won if it was red!!"

"Sure sure, Princess," Duncan laughed from the hallway before the door shut behind him.

Courtney couldn't help but smile as she collected her belongings. Although Duncan could be a jerk at times, he did know how to have a good time.

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