Orion's Belt- Gwen & Geoff

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Gwen hadn't been feeling the best lately. She had been hiding in her covers for too long and was beginning to feel like she would never be able to escape her own thoughts. That's why when Geoff, her peer from art class, suggested that they hang out, she reluctantly agreed. She didn't know what to expect from someone who was known to be a party boy, but she figured it was worth a shot.

In painting class, Geoff told Gwen that he would pick her up just before 9. She was a bit skeptical as to why it was so late, but she went along with it. She was a night owl anyways.

As promised, Geoff picked Gwen up just before the clock hit 9. Gwen met him inside his car, and he began the drive.

Gwen anxiously bounced her knee as Geoff drove to a nearby field. When he pulled off to the side of the road, Gwen grew curious. She was eager to see where the night was going. To make conversation with the party boy, she cracked a few jokes, one being how Geoff was actually planning to bury her alive. Geoff only chuckled, pulling the keys out of his car.

"Wait, you seriously brought me here for our night out?" Gwen rose a brow, folding her arms in protest. Geoff hopped out of the car.

"Just wait here for a second," he said, and disappeared to the back of the car.

Gwen watched him with caution as he pulled out a blanket and a basket.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing to the basket.

"Snacks," Geoff replied with a grin. "We're going to stargaze, dude."

Gwen was surprised, but her mood immediately brightened. She had always loved looking at the stars, but she never had the chance to do it in a place where the sky was actually dark enough to see them.

Geoff led Gwen to the field where they both sat down on the blanket, looking up at the sky.

"Wow," Gwen breathed. "I've never seen so many stars in my life."

Geoff smiled. "Yeah, it's pretty amazing out here. I come here all the time when I need to clear my head."

Gwen turned to look at him. "You seem like the kind of person who never needs to clear their head," she said.

Geoff laughed. "Trust me, Gwen, I do. I just don't like to show it."

The two of them sat in silence for a while, just looking up at the sky. Gwen felt her mind start to wander again, but this time it was different. She wasn't thinking about all the things that were stressing her out. Instead, she was thinking about how beautiful the stars were, and how lucky she was to be there with Geoff.

"Hey, look," Geoff shouted suddenly, pointing up at the stars right above. "The Big Dipper. It's my favorite constellation."

Gwen followed his gaze and nodded. "Yeah, it's a classic. But have you ever seen Orion's Belt?"

Geoff gave Gwen a puzzled look. "Onion Melts?"

"Orion's Belt," Gwen corrected, fighting back an eye roll. "By the looks of it, you haven't."

Gwen took Geoff's hand, motioning to the three stars that made up the belt, and Geoff's eyes widened.

"That's amazing," Geoff uttered. "I've never noticed that before, man."

Gwen brought her knees up to her chest. "Yeah, it's pretty extraordinary."

They continued to talk about the stars and constellations for a while longer, and Gwen found herself feeling more and more at ease. She was grateful for Geoff's company and the way he had managed to take her mind off of things.

Eventually, they packed up the blanket and snacks and got back in the car.

"Thanks for bringing me out here," Gwen said as they drove back to her house.

Geoff smiled. "Anytime. It was nice to get out of the city for a bit."

Gwen agreed, and they said their goodbyes.

As she walked back into her house, Gwen felt a sense of calm that she hadn't felt in a while. She knew she still had a lot of things to figure out, but for now, she was content to just enjoy the s

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