Z's fashion event

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'Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You are wrong! - I have as much soul as you - full as much heart!'

This year's fashion event was already studded with fashion stars all around the world. Z country especially started this event years before to promote their ancient history and fashion associated with their country to the world.

Every designer in the world participated in the shows happened in the country. It was a 3-days event.

Usually the events are inaugurated by fashionistas who had years of experience. But this year, the Prime minister and the First lady were invited as they both were interested towards the fashion industry. There was even a word that Princess of Z had her college degree from fashion technology.

Even before they enter, every media outlet and tabloids were waiting for them. They wanted to cover and not to miss anything during their entire attendance.

Everyone in the crowd were talking about them. Monica always attended fashion events around the world every year. As her family was involved in fashion industry, she attended these events even though she had zero inclination towards it.

She was seated in the third row and she had no idea that Adi and Suhasini were inaugurating the event. She got frustrated when the people around her were talking about the chances that their PM and his new wife could start the event.

Even when they were dating, he never took her out to any event and she never asked him as she thought that he despised events like this.

First day's events were based on Z country's history and its prosperity. So it predominantly had the shows and competitions between the country's finest designers. History was also participating this year and everyone bet that History would win the competition.

Kala and Manohar attended the event together. Kala was already being haughty towards everyone as she had already won the competition.

Kala then started talking to the emcee who was inviting everyone in the carpet.

Emcee: Hello... what are History's plan for today???

Kala: We plan to win... Actually we have already won..

Emcee: Wow.. What a level of confidence you possess.. I wish you a great luck....

Emcee suddenly stopped as there was a commotion..

Wow its Prime minister's convoy....

Wow man... Our stylish Prince and His Princess...

Kala then saw Suhasini walking in with Adi.. They both were waving hands at the crowd.. People were cheering their names. People showed the same love to Suhasini which they had on Adi.

Kala was fuming inside her mind..

That bitch is making me stand on sidelines when she enters.. Let me see how long she lasts...

Manohar saw her clenching her hands. He always thought of her as a sweet girl but this was new to him.

Manohar: Kala.. What happened???

Kala: Nothing... Lets go in...

Emcee: Sorry Kala.. Please wait.. We cannot enter until they settle down on their respective places.

Kala was irritated and on the other hand Manohar was lost in his thoughts. He looked at only one person during the whole commotion.

He was looking at Adi.. He felt so low in front of that man. In his childhood, he had some idea that Suhasini liked him. But he never looked at her as she never interested him.

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