His Highness

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'I want to drown with your lips, in the ocean of our kiss.'

Monica did not expect such an answer from her. She lost her face in front of everyone. Everyone in the elite circle knew that Monica dated Adi before his marriage. They were all waiting to see a scene that day. Nobody expected such a comeback from Suhasini. Queen Madhana beamed in happiness from her answer.

Suhasini was frustrated to see Monica. She was irritated with her from the previous incident. Monica might love him but she did not have any rights to hurt her. If Monica was intended to hurt her,  then she would get the perfect reply from her.

Suhasini was uncertain about her future. But she was sure of one thing that, they were married and she was his wife currently and no one could deny that fact.

Monica: But you are given titles and as a royal, you need to embrace your title. Aren't you?? If not, you will be causing a disgrace to the royal bloodline, Your highness..

Suhasini just smiled at her. She knew well that Monica was trying to degrade her before these wealthy ladies.

Suhasini: I'm a royal because of my husband. Being his wife comes first for me.. I don't value these positions and titles.. I value my husband more than anything..

Valuing one's spouse is in no way disgracing the royalty. Because I have seen Queen mother respecting and supporting our King always. I'm learning everything from her.

Monica was shut from her reply. She was not able to counter her when the Queen was mentioned. Queen never had a good opinion of her and she did not want to make it bad anymore for her.

Mrs. Mohan chided her when they went back to their seats which was two seats away from the Queen.

Mrs. Mohan: you need to learn so much Monica.. Why did you talk with her in the first place?? She is not like us.. She is from streets..

She said the last line with raised volume and it reached everyone's ears.

Madhana was displeased with that mother and daughter duo. She did not want to spoil the party so she stayed calm.

Mrs. Mohan: Let me teach you on how to deal with these type of women...

She murmured this into Monica's ears.

Mrs. Mohan: Your Majesty, this year's party does not look like every year's party. There was always a refinement and elegance which would be exuding in your tea parties and I find them missing this year. I came to know that our new princess is hosting this year. Is it the reason behind such a change in party??

Even though the question sounded like a concerned one, everyone could see that Mrs. Mohan was saying the party as cheap and lowly as Suhasini planned it.

Before anyone could answer,

Eeshwar: Wow Mrs. Mohan.. Its good to see you here..

Good afternoon Mother.. Good afternoon Sister-in-law.

Madhana and Suhasini nodded their heads at Eeshwar.

Eeshwar: Let me get back to Mrs. Mohan. Even I was expecting the same as you. I wanted to see my Sister-in-law's flair in hosting a party.

But she did not do anything this year..

Mrs. Mohan found this as an opportunity.

Mrs. Mohan: Oh poor child.. I can understand.. After all, she is new to all these things..

Eeshwar: You are not letting me finish my sentence Mrs. Mohan..

My Royal Sister-in-law is too busy these days..

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