His assets

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'He looked at me like there was something in me worth looking at.'

Suhasini woke up in the morning and found Adi sleeping on her chest. He looked so handsome with his ruffled hair. She stopped drooling and realised the situation. She pushed him away and adjusted her shirt.

She then woke him up. He turned other side and slept. She started poking him.

Suhasini: Adi.. Adi...

He looked at her as he woke up.

Adi: what??

Suhasini: You slept on me...

Adi: On you?? Are you kidding??

Suhasini: I'm not.. you slept on me..

Adi: Look at our statures.. Do you really think that I can sleep on you???

Suhasini: You did.. You slept on my chest..

Adi: This is literally blaming after all the things you did last night...

Suhasini: What did I do???

Adi: You pulled me towards you.. you hugged me..

I asked you to leave me.. you didn't.. You insisted on sleeping on my chest.. you were even scratching me everywhere.

Suhasini: Is that so??

Adi: Yes.. why would I lie??

Suhasini: why do I feel like he is lying??

She didn't continue questioning..

Suhasini: Then we can sleep in separate beds..

Adi: I was going to say the same..

Suhasini: Thank you for understanding and Sorry for whatever I did last night...

He nodded his head and got up from the bed.. She looked at him as he walked towards the restroom.

Suhasini: I could have really have done that.. Look at how he looks...

Don't look at him girl... He is married...

She shook her head and got up...

They both reached the dining hall and everybody was already seated. Nasya ran towards her and hugged her..

She lifted her and came to the table. Adi sat next to her.

Adi: Why didn't anyone call us??

Eeshwar: We thought you would be busy.. You came so soon for meeting after 4 years.

Usually Sister-in-law has always been late to breakfast...

Prerna hit him on his hand. Madhana smiled at him.

Prerna: She just returned.. Don't mock her...

Madhana: 2nd Princess is saying the truth..

Adi: That is why I'm saying, I'm taking her to my house...

Mahadev: Your old house???

Adi: No Father.. We are going to my villa in the mountains..

Mahadev nodded his house. After whatever happened in the past, Mahadev and Empress stopped meddling in Adi's business and they left him on his own since he had paid a huge price for being righteous. That incident resulted in his ruthlessness towards gangs in the country. Every gang in the country was eradicated overnight. Rajeev's business were shut down. His citizenship was revoked and he was deported from the country overnight.

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