The Night - Part One

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Oorvashi and Ranjan

'And I fell for you like raindrops.'

The girls went on to win the game. They all chilled at the beach for sometime and parted their ways by seven in the night.

Oorvashi reached her room and searched for key card in her pockets. They were empty. She heard some footsteps behind her. She turned around to look at the person.

Oorvashi: What are you doing here at this time???

Ranjan: I was going for a stroll.

It's too early to bed and based on the situation with my boss, I don't think he will need me for tonight... So I'm on my walk...

Oorvashi: ohh.. they are on their much needed vacation.. it's better to leave them alone..

Ranjan: hmmm.. why are you standing here, your highness???

Oorvashi: Argh Ranjan.. Don't start your highness, your highness here.. call me oorvashi...

Ranjan: Adhu kashtam..

Oorvashi: Just for tonight at least...

Ranjan: Okay... O-O-R-V-A-S-H-I.... Why are you standing here???

Oorvashi: I know my name's spelling... Call me Oorvashi.. Then you will have my reason...

He smiled helplessly.. She found his smile cute...

Oorvashi: So, you know to smile...

Ranjan: I do. when I get excited...

Oorvashi: Are you excited to say my name???

Ranjan: I'm excited not to say it...

Oorvashi: Then I'll make you say it...

He shook his head and smiled looking away..

Oorvashi: Go on your peaceful stroll.. why are you standing here???

Ranjan: You are standing alone... And you are not telling me the reason for standing here...

Oorvashi: All I'm asking is a simple thing... Nee en per sollu... I will tell you the reason...

Ranjan: Oorvashi... Why are you standing here???

Oorvashi: Ah... Finally... I left my keys inside.. I forgot to pick them up while leaving.. So I locked myself out...

Ranjan: Do you want me to bring locksmith???

Oorvashi: never mind... If you go and alert them, obviously it will disturb my brothers... I don't want them to get disturbed..

Ranjan: How can I leave you alone at this time??

Oorvashi: This is a private property.. Moreover PM is resting here... Do you think that someone will dare to enter here??

Ranjan: That's right... Then you be here... I will leave...

Oorvashi: But animals may come..

Ranjan: Ha ha ha ha ha.... Is Z's princess asking me to stay here???

Oorvashi: I'm not asking you here as princess.. but just as a friend...

He nodded his head...

Ranjan: Understood....

Oorvashi: Sari let's walk...

They both started walking slowly.

Oorvashi: Today's moon is shining brighter... Don't you think so???

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