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'Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.'

Iniyal had a huge amount of guilt in her heart when she lost her husband in her arms. His lost words still rang in her head.

'There was no one in my life except you, Iniya'

She punished him for a long time. He left them so soon. Her pillows know the trails of tears she left. She was not even allowed to wail and weep for her husband. She lost all the time she could have talked to him. She believed he would live with her forever. She never realised by pushing him away she was pushing him away from this world. Guilt killed her immensely. She wanted to leave the world he was no longer part of.

However, the country was in chaos and her son was young. She wanted to protect everything Satyadev built. Her responsibilities weighed huge on her shoulders.

She stood in front of that door in A country with so many memories flashing before her eyes. A teenager opened the door for her.

He bowed in front of her when she looked at him.

He called her, 'Your highness, Queen Mother'

Iniyal was shocked to see his face. His face resembled her husband's. She touched his head.

Ramdev: Please enter this humble servant's abode.

Iniyal: Ram, please... You're a Crown Prince.

Ramdev: After whatever my mother and her family did to your family, I don't think I deserve the title, your highness.

Iniyal: You just talk like your father. He used to be like you. Wisdom beyond his age. Understanding beyond his age.

Mahadev turned out to be the way he was when he became a ruler. But you resemble his highness in his youth.

Ramdev: Your highness loved his highness dearly.

She smiled at his words and hid the way it hurt her inside.

Coughs heard from inside and Ram excused himself as he entered the room next to the living area. Iniyal looked around the house. It was simple and well-maintained.

She also entered the room when he didn't come out for sometime.

She got shocked when she found him helping Sena to her bed. His mother was just thirty eight. But she looked much older. Iniyal came closer to the bed.

Iniyal: Sena, what happened?

Ramdev: Mom had a stroke when she got to know about father. She lost her ability to move and speak.

Iniyal: She loved him truly.

Ramdev: Her love destroyed three of your lives.

My father is no longer in this world. She is counting her days and you're ruling a country against all the hawks that are trying to overthrow you.

I'm sorry, your highness if I had crossed my line.

Iniyal: Never mind, child. Your life also got spoiled and I was one of the reasons. I want to correct everything. Everything that was part of him.

Tell me something. How do you know all these things??

Ramdev: All her life, Mom used to tell me the same story. She entered your life forcefully, wreaked an havoc and destroyed everything with her own hands because of her naivity.

Iniyal: She was young. We were young. We didn't know better.

Adhellam pogattum. I want you to come back to Z country. You can ascend the throne. You're the crown prince.

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