Machinations of L Country

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'Every great story seems to begin with a snake.'

Rajeev just stared into Adi's eyes. His eyes proved that he didn't trust any of Adi's words.

Adi: I know, you will have a hard time believing the things I said right now. But this is the truth.

Do you ever think about the reason for someone like Dikshan, the King of L, to personally help you to avenge your father's death?

Have you ever thought about the reason for them to lie to you?

Why didn't they reveal their relationship to you?

Dikshan is your Grandmother's brother. It was not something to be concealed if they had good intentions.

The reason is, if you are revealed, then they have to announce your name in line to their throne, which they definitely never planned to happen.

They used your mother to kill your father and then used her to brainwash you from the beginning.

Rajeev looked at him scrutinizingly.

Adi: Yes, your father was killed. Because your mom revealed his connection to Z to your grandmother's family.

When they reached out to patch things and request Ramdev to usurp the throne of Z. He firmly denied.

Your father openly denied that he wasn't interested.

That was when they got angry and killed my uncle.

Rajeev's eyes didn't miss the way Adi gritted his teeth when he said that last word. He seemed genuine.

Adi: I am not here to ask you to trust me. I'm here to show you how foolish you were all your life.

Adi: Ranjan....

Ranjan who just reached earlier with Eeshwar entered the room with Latha.

She screamed her son's name as she entered. She had lost weight and there was a definite change in her demeanor. She was no longer haughty.

Rajeev looked at her without any change in his expression.

Latha: Rajeev, please forgive me.

Rajeev: What nonsense are you spouting?

Latha: Adi is not lying. He is telling the truth. I received money from L country.

Your father was a kind man. He married me when I had no one. He gave me a good life. However, when we had you, we struggled a little bit as he lost his job and I was helpless.

One day, I got to know about his lineage.

That Dikshan then found us through his wife's family and came to our house when your father wasn't home. They told me that your father deserved the throne and he was the rightful heir. I listened to them out of my selfishness.

When your father returned, I asked him to return to Z. He didn't respond to me and stormed out of the house. I didn't realise that was the last time I would see that face. Even though I had a bad history, he married me and provided a roof over my head.

She broke down in tears.

Latha: Your father was killed in an alleyway three blocks away from our house.

Ambrose and Dikshan told me that it was the empress of Z who killed your father as he might usurp the throne. However, I didn't know then it was the other way around.

I was part of your father's death. I learnt all these truths very recently.

Listen, Rajeev.

Listen to me just this once.

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