Big Baby

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'You make me smile like a fool.
A happy fool that's in love with you.'

Adi woke up very late in the morning. As he looked around the room, he noticed the curtains were closed. He checked her place in the bed and it was empty. He slowly stood up and walked few steps towards the door.

Suhasini: What are you doing???

She entered the room with tray in her hands.

Suhasini: Sit down... Sit down...

She placed the tray on table and then held his hands as she led him to the bed.

Suhasini: Sit comfortably... You will not work for three days.. Doctor's advice.. I arranged everything... You will eat what I give, sleep on time and recuperate peacefully...

Adi: Jaan, Can I talk???

Suhasini: Yes.. you can... Anything other than work...

Adi: Sit here...

He held her hand and made her sit in front of him..

Adi: Look at me... I'm a Prime Minister... I have a country to take care of... If I stay on bed, people will starve...

Suhasini: Don't treat me like an idiot... You have a full cabinet of ministers, officials and cops... Won't they do their job???

They can take care... I'm just asking three days...

You don't know what I went through when I saw you lying on that cold floor...

Your health is much more important.. you living long life will result in this country's glory... I'm talking for people, Nasya and....

Adi: and???

Suhasini: me... Keep yourself safe... For me...

You're important to everyone... And to me...

She then retrieved the tray from table and placed it in front of him..

Suhasini: Have this...

The plate had few idlis.... He slowly started eating them..

Suhasini: Nasya is off to school.. Prerna will take care of her for two days...

Adi: Why??? Aren't you telling that we will take care of her??

Suhasini: I thought we could take care of little baby together... But now I have a big baby to take care of...

So she will be in palace and come back... Your Father also came back from his trip and wanted to meet Nasya.

Adi: Okay... Where is my phone then??

Suhasini: No phones allowed...

Adi: I don't see the newspaper either..

Suhasini: They are as well...

Adi: Hasini.. this is cruel...

Suhasini: You always check the news during breakfast.. That is the reason you don't eat properly...

Adi: You're being strict...

Suhasini: Do you have any complaints??

He shook his head.. He silently ate the idlis but from his face she could decipher that they were not to his taste..

Suhasini: Side dish is bland because you cannot eat spice.. I have added little to no spice as per doctor's instructions...

Adi: Which doctor??

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