Their Nightmare

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'The thickest fog cannot hide a light that wants to shine.'

Suhasini entered the palace with bated breath. She was scared out of wits. But her husband looked calmer than her.

They were welcomed by Madhana and Nasya. Their little bun got excited by their sight and came running towards her father. Adi lifted her in one scoop.

Adi: Hey baby....

Nasya: Hey Daddy...

She showered him with her kisses.

Nasya: I missed you, Daddy...

Adi: I missed you more, sweetheart..

Suhasini and Madhana were happy to see this scene. Queen then adjusted her voice to grab their attention.

Suhasini: Maa... I'm sorry.. naan first eh solliralam nu sonnen... Adi stopped me from saying...

Madhana hugged her.

Madhana: It's okay darling. He is always like that. You don't listen to him.

Adi looked at them with dazed expression and his wife winked at him.

Suhasini: I had to save myself...

Adi nodded his head in understanding her intentions.

Madhana: I didn't reveal your pregnancy to Empress. Adi.. I want you to inform her.

He nodded his head understanding his mother's intentions.

Adi: Love you, Mother.

Madhana: I love you too...

Eeshwar: This is so unfair. You were dissing me for past three days.

As always, you are favouring your first born.

Prerna: He deserves that. His highness's life is chaotic. He is living for country. Are you like living that?? You just live for your company.

Suhasini: If my brother-in-law doesn't work, then all our fortunes will be evaporated. He is also working for country. He is helping thousands of families in the country.

Prerna: Nee dhaan support pannanum un brother-in-law ku..

Suhasini: I will, second princess...

Madhana looked at her sons.

Madhana: See... This is why, I don't give up on my daughters-in-law. They live for this family when you both spend all your time for country.

Madhana walked in front of them saying that. Suhasini and Prerna giggled like nothing happened.

Eeshwar: Did our ladies just conspire against us?

Adi nodded.

Adi: Vaa ulla polam...

He patted his brother's shoulders.

Empress Dowager was happy to see Adi. She alighted from her seat and walked near him as he bowed his head.

Empress: I can never express my happiness in words, Adi. You struggled alot these days and we were not able to help you in any ways.

Mahadev: I failed you as a father.

Adi: Your Majesty, please.

Mahadev sighed.

Adi: Father... If not for those hellish training and lessons, I wouldn't have had the energy to go through these things.

Mahadev: You were living happily. Unnai naan dhaan izhuthutu vandhen.

Adi: Father, you did the right thing for me. Trust me.

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