Help me recover

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'Sometimes the bad things that happens in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.'

After Suhasini left the hospital, Kishore turned towards the old doctor and questioned him.

Kishore: Is there any reason for hiding her past, Doctor??? I know her condition is delicate.. but I don't understand the severity.. because all her reports look fine...

Abdul: Her reports are fine because she is completely alright physically. But mentally, there is something disturbing her..

Kishore: Like a trigger???

Abdul: Yes... It could be anything.. because during her stay in my hospital and even after reaching A country, she had few difficulties in coping up with the reality...

Thideer thideer nu edho gnabagam vandhu kathuva... So you need to be extremely careful when you do this treatment...

Kishore nodded his head...

Kishore: Doctor, you were telling me that all are memories are not erased.. Is it true??

Abdul: Yes... After giving birth, she regained her memories for sometime.. and I explained her the procedure..

I told her that the procedure which I was going to do will cure her completely...

I mentioned memory erasure then which would have left her without any memories...

But she begged me and asked me to do something else.. and I had no other go.. She looked like my daughter so I did a new procedure which was only in tests then... Memory Suppression..

With the help of chemicals, we suppressed her memories..

Before undergoing the procedure, I told her the consequences that she might lose her life if something went wrong in the future...

But she said only one thing...

Suhasini: please help me if I come back and ask you to recover my memories.. I don't have anyone in this place and I cannot leave my husband in peril...

Please doctor...

Abdul: I was not able to say no to her then... That is why I'm agreeing now...

We need to find the trigger and keep it away from her..

Kishore: What would be her trigger??

Abdul: Something which led to her situation.. memory loss..

Kishore: It might also be a person...

He had a name in his mind when he said that...

Abdul: That could be a possibility... So please be aware that you're dealing with a very delicate patient, Dr.Kishore...

I believe in your talent.. you can do this.. Give her, her life back...

The young doctor nodded his head with hopes..

Kishore: Doctor.. you are one of the pioneers in our field... I cannot believe you are working for free..

The experienced man smiled..

Abdul: In this running world, there is always someone thrown away and pushed down in every passing second.. but still this earth is rotating and people are living because of their faith in humanity and hope for a better day.

It's our job protect those needy to keep that humanity and hopes continuing Doctor..

And I also receive funds from the people who think that they can provide something to change this world.. Like your PM...

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