His People

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'If the King doesn't rise,
The kingdom dies.'

Blue House.....

The final meeting before the budget submission was going to take place on that morning. All the administrative officers were ready with their reports. This meeting was just to revise terms of final budget discussed in their prior meetings. Everyone was relaxed prior to the meeting as almost everything was done for the budget. But sudden news of PM's arrival made them anxious. They were sensing some problem as he never attended these meetings previously. The old finance minister was on pins and needles for some reasons.

Adi entered the hall followed by Ranjan. Everyone stood up from their chairs in the meeting hall.

Adi: Good morning everyone.. Take your seats...

He looked brisk in his grey cashmere suit. His hair pulled back in pony tail. He had an aura of elegance around him. He sensed the tense atmosphere in the hall.

Adi: Don't worry about me. I'm just here to watch. Please you all carry on with your meeting.

I don't know anything about finances anyway. You guys can relax.

The Finance minister and officials relaxed but few experienced officials in the hall were more anxious as they knew about Adi's background in stocks. He was a stock mogul after all.

Adi looked at them meaningfully and they all went silent.

Finance minister started explaining the allotment of budget for sectors. Everyone listened carefully. Adi was seated on his chair and was staring at his phone the whole time.

After certain time, Finance minister finished his explanation and looked at his Prime Minister gleefully.

Finance Minister: Sir, it's over.

Prime Minister: um... Does anybody have any doubts??? Or anything to say???

Everyone was silent.

Prime Minister: I guess, everybody is fine with the budget.

He said without showing any expression on his face.

Finance Minister: Sir, I have really discussed with everyone for this budget and everyone is allotted money fairly based on their requirements.

Prime Minister: Okay.. If you are saying so, then that's good I think...

Finance minister visibly relaxed.

Prime Minister: But I have some doubts as a commoner...

Will it be okay if I ask my doubts???

Finance minister: Sure sir..

He didn't expect their PM to know anything about finance so he wasn't scared when the younger one wanted to ask some doubts.

PM: Before asking my doubts, I really need to thank you for your hardwork in devising this budget, Sir.

FM: It's our pleasure, Sir.. I was helped by all these officials..

PM: I see... Good job everyone...

What is the third sector you said sir???

FM: Agriculture, Sir ...

PM: Why are we not exempting agricultural taxes, this year?? Didn't we do last year???

FM: Sir... Sir..

PM: Say something, Sir...

FM: We don't have any upcoming elections, Sir...

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