Her accident

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'My soul made love to your soul long before our bodies met.
When I first met you, I recognised you.
You held my future in your hands.'

Suhasini felt so confused. Her memories were contradicting the truth before her. She lived her whole life in A country. She remembered her accident which occurred six years ago. That accident kept her in vegetative state. She woke up two years later from that accident to see her worrying father. She never doubted anything then but she felt that something was missing in her accident.

She was not able to understand the things happening around. She felt strange connection to Z country, Nasya and Adi. She was not into babies. But she loved Nasya like her own. Her feelings for Adi also seemed strange.

Suhasini: Adi... Adi... Adi....

Ayyo night romba pannitene... How am I gonna face him???

Adi entered the room then. She covered herself with the blanket and acted like sleeping. He noticed her action and acted like nothing happened. He then got into the bed and sat on top of her. She was cursing under the blanket.

Adi: Darling... It was my fault to reject a beautiful girl like you... I was not in my right mind last night.. Why don't we continue what we left halfway last night???

He leaned slightly..

Suhasini: No no no no no... Adi you got some bad idea it seems.. I don't remember anything from last night...

Adi: How sad??? Did you really forget everything?? We kissed.. you played with my chest.. you said I'm big and you also said you want to give yourself to me...

She was thoroughly embarrassed.

Adi: we even bathed together.. you hugged me tightly until there was no space between us..

Suhasini: Adi.. stop stop... Remember you are searching for your wife.. I'm just acting as your wife.. but not your real wife... Remember....

Adi: Since you wanted to give yourself to me, I thought you are okay with my marital status...

Suhasini: No no no...

Adi: Okay...

Suhasini: hmmm...

Adi: I need your help...

Suhasini: Tell me...

Adi: I need you to help me with these hickeys... Since I'm the prime minister.. I cannot show up with these right???.. So please apply some medicine for me... and I have a ointment by..

Suhasini: by bedside, second drawer...

She finished before him... She felt strange to know it again... Something was really wrong...

Adi: Ah... Yes.. please bring and apply it to me..

It felt even more odd when he didn't question her knowledge..

Adi: Hasini....

Suhasini: Sadhana... Call me Sadhana...

Adi: I'll call you Hasini... Andha pere solli kupta doubt varum.. Then I would have to answer many questions...

Suhasini: Okay...

She felt herself becoming Suhasini.. She found a strange connection to everything. Before talking with her father, she needed to know about this Suhasini. She made up her mind to learn everything about her.

Her thoughts were disturbed the moment she saw him standing shirtless in front of her. He sat down at the bed and looked at her...

Adi: Come on... I'm getting late...

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