Pre-wedding function

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'You are the one I love, you are the one I crave, you are the only one I will love until I go to my grave'

Adi and Suhasini reached home with Nasya. After settling them down, Adi came out to make a call.

Ranjan: Sir... What are we going to do about that Assassin and..... Ashwini??

Adi: Leave her for sometime... And about that Assassin, don't let him to get treatment..

He should not get treatment from any hospitals or clinics. If a doctor treats him, cancel his/her license.

Ranjan: As you command, sir....

He understood his boss. If that Assassin was left unattended, his wound get infected.

Adi: Also once he informs Ashwini about the result, arrest him under different case from his history..

Ranjan: Yes sir. I will do it right away.

Adi: and this will be your last work...

Ranjan: Sir, I still want to work for you.

He said panickingly and Adi smiled.

Adi: I know, brother-in-law. But we are getting near to your wedding..

Once you return from your honeymoon, you can get back to your job. For now, Finish this one and get ready.

Ranjan: Yes Sir.

Ranjan wanted to continue his work as PM's Assistant-cum-bodyguard. Adi did have any qualms on that and left it to his decision.


Royal Palace geared for its third and last wedding in this generation. The palace was decorated with all kinds of flowers. Since it was their only princess's wedding, every part of the wedding was themed in pink color. Every celebrity in the nation were performing on their pre-wedding function.

Suhasini personally designed bride's dresses for all functions. Everybody was being so happy about the marriage except the bride.

Oorvashi was feeling extremely guilty for marrying Ranjan. Even though she made that decision on that day for her father. She was constantly fighting herself for bringing innocent Ranjan into her ungraceful life.

Oorvashi was not able to enjoy the festivities of her marriage. She saw her brothers and sisters-in-law happily dancing in the pre-wedding function. Her parents were happy. Ranjan's family looked happy. Empress was delighted. She just sat there with Ranjan as she saw everyone's happy face.

She then looked at the man next to her.

Oorvashi: After everything ends, can you come to terrace??

She whispered into his ears and he nodded in response.

After all the festivities ended, Suhasini and Prerna left her in her room. She waited for sometime and then texted Ranjan.

They met in terrace after 15 minutes. She was standing near the wall when he reached terrace.

Ranjan: What do you want to say???

Oorvashi: Are you really happy??

Ranjan: About what??

Oorvashi: This marriage???

Ranjan: Why are you asking such a question??

Oorvashi: Because I feel like you are not happy with this wedding..

Ranjan: When did I say so??

Oorvashi: Ranjan... Please.. talk to me openly.

He looked so relaxed.

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